Position Component Text (from Active Bar)
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This command is used to run the Component Text Position dialog in which you can change the position of the designator and/or comment text for one or more selected components in the current document.
This command can be accessed from the PCB Editor by:
Locating and using the Position Component Text command on the Active Bar .
Click and hold on the active button to access a menu of all associated commands for that grouping. If the command has been recently used from the Active Bar , it will become the active/visible button. When other commands are available, it is indicated by a triangle at the bottom-right corner of the button.
First, ensure that the components whose designators and/or comment text you want to reposition are selected in the main design workspace.
After launching the command, the Component Text Position dialog will open. The dialog is essentially divided into two regions - the Designator and Comment text. For both designator and comment, a graphical representation of a component is used as an aid to show where the text will appear based on the position selected. The following nine positional styles are available for the text, all of which are classed as 'automatic positions', meaning the text remains in the chosen position as the component is moved and rotated:
The designator and comment text positions can also be changed through the Properties section of the Properties panel . Select the designator/comment or the parent component to have these properties displayed. Click the relevant control that textually summarizes the current layer, position and rotation for the designator/comment then use the Autoposition property available in the pop-up window, as required.
To freely position the designator/comment text and have it follow the parent component's movement/orientation, choose the Manual style for the Autoposition property (when configuring properties through the Properties panel). You also can freely click, hold and drag text to the required position directly in the workspace; this will automatically switch the Autoposition property to Manual .