IntegratedLibrary_Dlg-DlgModelBrowserBrowse Libraries (PCB) _AD

This document is no longer available beyond version 21. Information can now be found here: Adding Models to the Schematic Component for version 25


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The Browse Libraries dialog
The Browse Libraries dialog

Summary Copy Link Copied

The Browse Libraries dialog allows you to browse footprints in selected libraries.

Access Copy Link Copied

The dialog is accessed from the schematic editor by clicking the Browse button in the PCB Model dialog (accessed in the Properties panel in Component mode by clicking the Add drop-down in the Parameters region of the Properties panel then selecting Footprint or select  to edit a selected footprint).

Options/Controls Copy Link Copied

  • Libraries - displays the current library. Use the drop-down arrow to access a list of available libraries then select the desired target library. Click the  button to open the Available File-based Libraries dialog in which you can add or remove libraries.
  • Find - click to open the File-based Libraries Search dialog to locate additional libraries.
  • Mask - enter the desired key words to mask results in the Name list.
  • Name - displays the name of the footprint.
  • Library - displays in which library the footprint is located. 
  • Description - a brief description of the footprint.
  • nn items - displays the total number (nn) of items listed.
  • Preview Window - displays the footprint currently selected in the grid to the right.
    •  2D/3D - use to toggle between 2D and 3D preview images. 
If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

Набор доступных функций зависит от вашего уровня доступа к продуктам Altium. Ознакомьтесь с функциями, включенными в различные уровни Подписки на ПО Altium, и функциональными возможностями приложений, предоставляемых платформой Altium 365.

Если вы не видите в своем ПО функцию, описанную здесь, свяжитесь с отделом продаж Altium, чтобы узнать больше.