Creating the Harness Layout Drawing in Altium Designer


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Once the harness design has been captured in the form of a wiring diagram, the physical representation of the design can be created as a harness layout drawing (*.LdrDoc). Add this document to the harness project from the Projects panel by right-clicking on the project entry and then selecting Add New to Project » Harness Wiring Diagram from the context menu (or use the File » New » Harness Layout Drawing command from the main menus).

Setting Up a Harness Layout Drawing Document Copy Link Copied

Options of a layout drawing document can be configured in the Properties panel when no object is selected in the document's design space. The main settings are:

  • In the General region of the panel's General tab – select the measurement units that apply to the document and its graphic elements and set the grids to enable easier placement. Altium Designer offers three grid types: visible grid for navigation, snap grid for placement, and snap distance for aiding the creation of connections.

  • In the Page Options region of the panel's General tab – configure document sheet size and title block or select from available harness layout drawing templates.

The General and Parameters tabs of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the harness layout drawing document 
The General and Parameters tabs of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the harness layout drawing document

  • Setting up a harness layout drawing document is similar to setting up a schematic document (*.SchDoc) of a PCB design project. Refer to the Setting Up a Schematic Document page to learn more.

  • Use the Length Units drop-down to choose length units for the document. Bundle Length and bundle object Length Value and Offset Length values will be displayed using the selected units. The supported units are mm, cm, m, in, and ft. Default length units of newly created layout drawing documents can be defined on the Harness Design – General page of the Preferences dialog.

  • To learn more about creating layout drawing document templates, refer to the Creating Harness Template Documents page.

  • Default properties of harness layout drawing objects can be configured on the Harness Design – Defaults page of the Preferences dialog. These properties will be applied when placing subsequent objects.

  • When creating a harness layout drawing document, you can also use text and drawing objects. Working with these objects in a harness layout drawing document is similar to working with them in a schematic document (*.SchDoc) of a PCB design project. Refer to Working with Text Objects on a Schematic and Working with Drawing Objects on a Schematic to learn more about these objects.

    • Note that active links to harness wiring diagram objects (e.g., wires and components) and harness layout drawing objects (e.g., bundles and connection points) are also supported in text frames and notes. Click a link in the placed text frame or note to cross-probe to that object in the associated document.

  • To check your harness layout drawing for logical, electrical, and drafting violations, a number of violation checks are supported. Refer to the Validating the Harness Design page to learn more.

  • A harness layout drawing document can be saved in ASCII format, which can be beneficial when sharing. Use the File » Save As command and select Harness Layout ascii (*.LdrDoc) from the Save as type drop-down in the Save As dialog that opens. When saving an ASCII layout drawing using the File » Save command, the File Format dialog will open, alerting you that the ASCII format is used. Choose the ASCII Version in the dialog to keep using this format.

Importing Data from the Wiring Diagram Copy Link Copied

Select the Design » Import Wiring Diagram command from the main menus to import the design data from the wiring diagram. The component will be placed on the layout drawing sheet in the relative positions defined in the wiring diagram. Connection points associated with components will also be placed next to each component on the layout drawing.

A harness layout drawing document with the imported data from the wiring diagram
A harness layout drawing document with the imported data from the wiring diagram

  • After using the command, applied changes are listed in the Messages panel ().

  • Any changes in the wiring diagram can be imported into the drawing using the same Design » Import Wiring Diagram command.

Working with Components Copy Link Copied

Initially, each component is represented on the layout drawing with its symbol. Properties of a placed component can be configured in the Properties panel when the component is selected in the design space. The Properties panel for a component includes the following tabs:

  • General – general properties of the component, such as designator and comment, location, model representation, parameters, etc.

  • Pins – the list of component pins.

  • Cavities – a read-only view of socket cavities assigned to the component. Cavity assignments can only be modified in the wiring diagram – learn more.

  • Associated Parts – allows additional parts, such as heatshrink, to be assigned to the component.

When pasting cut/copied harness components on a harness layout drawing, designators of pasted components respect the Reset Parts Designators On Paste option from the Schematic – Graphical Editing page of the Preferences dialog. When components are pasted, the numerical part of their designators will reset to ? when the option is enabled.

Configuring Representation of a Component

Using the Graphical SymbolPhysical Model option in the Model region of the Properties panel (under the General tab) when a component is selected, you can toggle between the symbol representation (the component's symbol) and the 3D model projection (the component's footprint). Use other settings in the panel's region to configure the representation.

A component represented by its schematic symbol

The same component represented by the projection of its 3D model

When using the Physical Model representation, use the Style options to display the model either as a Solid (no lines) or as a Wireframe. Use the options of the Side drop-down to select the desired side of the model's view (orthogonal and isometric options are available). The below images demonstrate some of the settings with the corresponding results in the design space.

For both Solid and Wireframe styles, the Zoom value defines the size of the model view's green bounding box in the design space, and the model view always fits in the bounding box.

Adding Multiple Physical Model Views

  • Multiple physical model views for a component can be added using the Add View control in the Properties panel. After a view is added, use the drop-down arrow to view and edit the properties of each physical view as needed for your design ().

  • Additional physical views added for a component can be moved in the design space independently using the drag-and-drop action.

  • Irrespective of which physical model view of a component is selected in the design space, the Properties panel displays the properties of the component itself.

Defining Physical Arrangement on a Harness Layout Drawing Copy Link Copied

All physical connections within the harness are defined as harness bundles (even if a bundle contains just a single wire). Each bundle must start and end at a connection point. At the initial import of harness design data (as described above), each component has a connection point automatically placed next to it, and this connection point is associated with the component and all of its pins. If required by the design's physical structure, new connection points can be placed, and assigned objects of a connection point can be configured.

To assist in understanding the connectivity of components in the harness layout drawing document, you can display the connectivity graph in the document. When the Connective Graph option is enabled on the System – Navigation page of the Preferences dialog, use the Alt+Click shortcut on a component to display the connective graph in the design space (). Clear the graph using the Shift+C shortcut or the Clear Filter command from the right-click menu of the design space.

Working with Connection Points

To place a new connection point, use the Place » Connection Point command from the main menus. Connection points are displayed in the design space as shown below.

Properties of a placed connection point (its location, visual representation, etc.) can be configured in the Properties panel when the connection point is selected in the design space.

The Properties panel when a connection point is selected
The Properties panel when a connection point is selected

Use the Associated Parts region of the Properties panel for a selected connection point to manage the list of parts associated with the connection point, i.e. physical objects you want to associate with the displayed graphical representation. The 3D model of a part associated with a connection point can be used to represent the connection point in the document. When a connection point is selected, choose Physical Model in the Properties region of the Properties panel, then use the Associated Part drop-down in the Type region to select the required associated part (). The model will be generated and displayed in the document. Use the options in the Type region to configure the display of the model ().

Assigning Objects to Connection Points

Objects assigned to a connection point can be configured as needed according to your design intent. One or multiple objects (components, splices/taps, 'no connect' objects, and shields with connection) can be assigned to a connection point using the Add Assigned Objects dialog accessed by clicking the  button in the Assigned Objects region of the Properties panel.

  • By default, the Show only unassigned objects option is enabled in the dialog, and only those objects that are not currently assigned to other connection points are listed. Disable the option to show a list of all objects in the layout drawing.

  • If an object already assigned to another connection point is selected in the dialog, corresponding warnings and icons will be shown ().

  • To avoid assigning a splice to more than one connection point, a splice is automatically removed from a connection point if it is already assigned to another connection point.

When a component is assigned to a connection point, a dash-dotted line is displayed in the design space between the component and the connection point, as shown below. In the Properties, you can select which component pins are assigned. Click the cell in the Pins column of the grid in the Assigned Objects region to access the drop-down to select the required component pins.

When dragging one connection point onto another (where valid) in the layout drawing, the two are joined as a single object, with their assigned object lists merged.

Working with Harness Bundles

To place a new harness bundle, use the Place » Harness Bundle command from the main menus (shortcut: Shift+B).

After selecting the command, click a connection point (a red cross appears at the cursor when it is over a connection point's hotspot) to place the start point of the harness bundle. Position the cursor and click to anchor a series of vertex points that define the shape of the harness bundle. After placing the final vertex point at another connection point's hotspot, right-click to complete placement.

By default, a harness bundle is placed using Any Angle placement mode. When placing a harness bundle, press Shift+Spacebar to cycle through placement modes. The mode specifies how corners are created when placing bundles and the angles at which bundles can be placed.  While in the 90 Degree or 45 Degree mode (true orthogonal modes), press Spacebar to cycle between the start and end sub-modes. The current mode and sub-mode are shown in the Status Bar.

An example of a harness bundle placed between connection points CP1 and CP_P2.
An example of a harness bundle placed between connection points CP1 and CP_P2.

When placed and selected, a harness bundle’s vertices can be dragged to change the angle between two adjacent sections.

  • When harness bundles are connected to a connection point, the currently unassigned splices will automatically be assigned to the connection point according to the wiring diagram.

  • A connection point can be placed right on an existing harness bundle. This splits the original harness bundle into two separate bundles.

  • When a connection point that splits a bundle on a layout drawing in two is removed, the two bundles are automatically merged into a single bundle object.

Properties of a placed harness bundle (location, visual representation, etc.) can be configured in the Properties panel when the harness bundle is selected in the design space.

The Properties panel when a harness bundle is selected
The Properties panel when a harness bundle is selected

Each harness bundle will automatically contain the objects (wires and/or cables) according to the connectivity defined in the wiring diagram. These objects are listed in the Bundle Objects region of the Properties panel when the bundle is selected. Click an object in this list to highlight all bundles the selected object passes through.

In the case of a sophisticated, branched physical structure of a bundle, you might need to change the assignment of a wire to another bundle. Use the drop-down in the Bundle Objects Assignment region of the Properties panel when the required bundle is selected in the design space to update the wire assignment for this bundle as needed.

Using the Length field in the panel's Properties region, you can define the length of the selected bundle. Lengths of wires and cables that pass through bundles are calculated based on Length values of these bundles. Calculated values of wire/cable length are shown in the Length Value column of the grid in the panel's Bundle Objects region.

  • If desired, you can override the calculated length for a wire/cable. Enter the required Offset Length or choose Manual in the drop-down in the Length Type column to define the required absolute length manually.

  • For wires whose length was defined in an MCAD tool and then pulled into Altium Designer using the MCAD CoDesigner, the MCAD CoDesigner entry will be shown in the Length Type entry. In this case, the Offset Length cannot be defined but you can override the length value by selecting Manual from the drop-down (). Learn more about Synchronizing a Harness Design Project using MCAD CoDesigner.

  • The units with which a bundle's Length value and Length Value and Offset Length values of its objects are shown in the Properties panel when the bundle is selected are specified using the Length Units drop-down on the General tab of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the document.

Covering Harness Bundles

A harness covering object (Place » Harness Covering) can be placed over a harness bundle. The length of the covering can be graphically modified in the design space during or after placement.

After selecting a harness covering placement command, an orange dot will appear in the design space when the cursor is over a harness bundle, which signifies that the harness covering can be placed (a gray dot signifies that a harness covering cannot be placed at that specific place). Click where you want the covering to begin, then move the cursor along the bundle to the point you want the covering to end, then click again. Harness coverings can overlap one another, as demonstrated in the video below.


Properties of a placed harness covering can be configured in the Properties panel when the harness covering is selected in the design space.


The Properties panel when a harness covering is selected
The Properties panel when a harness covering is selected

You can define the size of a harness covering object relative to the size of the bundle it is covering (the bundle's Line Style) using the Size drop-down in the Properties panel. Scroll through the images below to see examples of different sized harness coverings with various harness bundle sizes.


Harness coverings can also be configured as patterned. In the Fill Style region of the Properties panel, select Pattern, then use the Pattern drop-down to choose the desired weave color (black, yellow, or red).

Adding Layout Labels Copy Link Copied

Physical labels can be placed into the layout drawing (Place » Layout Label).

Properties of a placed layout label (its designator, text, visual representation, etc.) can be configured in the Properties panel when the layout label is selected in the design space.

The Properties panel when a layout label is selected
The Properties panel when a layout label is selected

When defining the label's text in the Text field, use Ctrl+Enter or Shift+Enter to add a new line of text. Enable Show only first line to display only the first line of the Text field in the design space. The layout label text can also be aligned according to your needs using the Alignment controls.

To display the label text in the BOM, you can enable the Label Text column in the project's ActiveBOM document () or the BOM table in the manufacturing drawing (). Note that the layout label's Type property must be set to Standard for it to appear in the BOM ().

Annotating Harness Layout Drawing Objects Copy Link Copied

Use the commands in the Tools » Annotation menu to annotate the following objects in the harness layout drawing document:

  • Components

  • Connection points

  • Harness bundles

  • Layout labels

Annotating objects in a harness layout drawing document is similar to annotating components in a schematic document (*.SchDoc) of a PCB design project. Use the following links to learn more about annotation commands available for a harness layout drawing document:

Cross Probing between Wiring Diagram and Layout Drawing Copy Link Copied

Cross-probing between the wiring diagram and layout drawing of a harness project is supported. The Cross Probe command can be accessed on the Tools main menu and the right-click menu in the design space.

Cross-probing can be performed:

  • Between components in the wiring diagram and layout drawing.

  • From a wire in the wiring diagram to the bundle(s) through which this wire passes in the layout drawing.

  • From a bundle in the layout drawing to the wire(s) that pass through this bundle in the wiring diagram.

Cross-probing from a component in the wiring diagram to the corresponding component in the layout drawing.

Cross-probing from a component in the layout drawing to the corresponding component in the wiring diagram.

Cross-probing from a wire in the wiring diagram to the corresponding bundles in the layout drawing.

Cross-probing from a bundle in the layout drawing to the corresponding wires in the wiring diagram.

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