Altium Standard Scripting Controls

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Parent page: Component Categories

The Tool Palette's Altium Standard tab consists of standard type components with an Altium theme (look and feel) applied. In most cases, custom methods and additional properties are available.

To see the associated Properties and Events for an Altium Standard component placed on a script Form, use the Properties or Events tab in the Object Inspector panel (View » Panels » Object Inspector).

To find a particular Method (or Property) for an Altium Standard component, use the Code Completion feature (see Script Editor Tools). For example, typing TXPCheckBox.get the Code Completion window will show a suitably filtered list of methods and properties for the TXPCheckBox component. Use Ctrl+Space to manually invoke the Code Completion window.

Use the Code Completion (Ctrl+Space) feature to see the available Methods or Properties for a component.
Use the Code Completion (Ctrl+Space) feature to see the available Methods or Properties for a component.


The majority of Altium Standard Control classes inherit their Methods (and Properties and Events) from the Delphi VCL TCustomControl base class. The descending inheritance is typically:

        ... Altium Standard controls

Therefore the methods for each Altium Standard control covered here are in addition to the standard TCustomControl methods, as noted in each reference.

By way of example, the descending inheritance for the TXPCheckBox control is as follows:

Inheritance path Methods
TCustomControl See the matching Delphi reference.
    TXPCustomControl See the TXPCheckBox entry below.
        TWinXPCustomButtonControl See the TXPCheckBox entry below.
            TXPCheckControl See the TXPCheckBox entry below.
                TXPCheckBox See the TXPCheckBox entry below.

The exceptions to the 'TCustomControl TXPCustomControl xxx' inheritance path are the TXPLabel, TXPSpinnerImage, TXPImageList, TXPSplitter and TXStatusBar controls. These inherit directly from standard controls, as noted in their respective entries below.

Component Methods

In general, the Altium Standard components offer the basic methods of its common counterpart along with a number of additional, custom methods. For example, both the TXPCheckBox and common TCheckBox components offer the GetChecked function, whereas the GetAlphaImage function is exclusive to TXPCheckBox.

Use the following list to navigate to information on the methods available for each component in the Altium Standard category:

TWinXPPageControl Related to the TPageControl component (Win32 Tab).
TWinXPTabControl Related to the TTabControl component (Win32 Tab).
TXPBitBtn Related to the TBitBtn component (Additional Tab).
TXPButton Related to the TButton component (Standard Tab).
TXPButtonEdit Related to the TEdit component (Standard Tab).
TXPButtonEx Related to the TButton component (Standard Tab).
TXPCheckBox Related to the TCheckBox component (Standard Tab).
TXPComboBox Related to the TComboBox component (Standard Tab).
TXPDirectoryEdit Related to the TEdit component (Standard Tab).
TXPEdit Related to the TEdit component (Standard Tab).
TXPExtPanel Related to the TPanel component (Standard Tab).
TXPFileNameEdit Related to the TEdit component (Standard Tab).
TXPGroupBox Related to the TGroupBox component (Standard Tab).
TXPHistoryEdit Related to the TEdit component (Standard Tab).
TXPImageList Related to the TImageList component (Win32 Tab).
TXPSpinnerImage Related to the TImage component (Additional Tab).
TXPLabel Related to the TLabel component (Standard Tab).
TXPListBox Related to the TListBox component (Standard Tab).
TXPProgressBar Related to the TProgressBar component (Win32 Tab).
TXPRadioButton Related to the TRadioButton component (Standard Tab).
TXPRadioGroup Related to the TRadioGroup component (Standard Tab).
TXPScrollBar Related to the TScrollbar component (Standard Tab).
TXPSpeedButton Related to the TSpeedButton component (Additional Tab).
TXPSpinEdit Related to the TEdit component (Standard Tab).
TXPSplitButton Related to the TButton component (Standard Tab).
TXPSplitter Related to the TSplitter component (Additional Tab).
TXPTrackBar Related to the TTrackbar component (Win32 Tab).
TXStatusBar Related to the TStatusBar component (Win32 Tab).


TWinXPPageControl is a variation of the TPageControl component and provides these specific methods:

Procedure InsertPage(Page : TWinXPTabSheet);
Procedure InsertPageAt(Index : Integer; Page : TWinXPTabSheet);
Procedure RemovePage(Page : TWinXPTabSheet);

In addtion, TWinXPPageControl inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;

Function  Changing : Boolean
Function  CreateTabs : TStrings;
Function  GetTabIndex : Integer;
Function  IsTabVisible(Index : Integer) : Boolean;
Function  IsTabUseImage(Index : Integer) : Boolean;
Procedure SetActiveTabIndex(Const Value : Integer);
Procedure UpdateActivePage;
Procedure SetFocusAfterTabChange;
Procedure SelectNextPage(GoForward : Boolean);


TWinXPTabControl is a variation of the TTabControl component and provides these specific methods:

Function  Changing : Boolean
Function  CreateTabs : TStrings;
Function  GetTabIndex : Integer;
Function  IsTabVisible(Index : Integer) : Boolean;
Function  IsTabUseImage(Index : Integer) : Boolean;
Procedure SetActiveTabIndex(Const Value : Integer);
Procedure UpdateActivePage;
Procedure SetFocusAfterTabChange;
Procedure SelectNextPage(GoForward : Boolean);

In addtion, TWinXPTabControl inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending class:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;


TXPBitBtn is a variation of the TBitBtn component. It inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;

Procedure CompulsoryClick;
Procedure ButtonMouseDown(X, Y : Integer);
Procedure ButtonMouseMove(X, Y : Integer);
Procedure ButtonMouseUp  (X, Y : Integer);
Function  GetControlState(Enabled, Pressed, Hot : Boolean) : TThemedButton; Virtual;
Function  GetShiftContentIfPressed : Boolean;
Procedure ReDrawCaption(ARect : TRect; AFontColor : TColor);
Procedure ReDrawInside (ARect : TRect; AFontColor : TColor);


TXPButton is a variation of the TButton component. It inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;

Procedure DoMouseHover(State : TMouseState)
Procedure InternalPaint(ARect : TRect)
Procedure Prepaint(Var  ARect : TRect)


TXPDirectoryEdit is a variation of the TEdit component. It inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;

Function   CalcInternalHeight : Integer;
Procedure  Change;
Procedure  ChangeHotFont(IsHot : Boolean);
Procedure  Clear;
Procedure  ClearSelection;
Procedure  ClearUndo;
Procedure  CopyToClipboard;
Procedure  CreateCaret;
Procedure  CutToClipboard;
Procedure  DestroyCaret;
Procedure  DoEndCapture;
Procedure  DrawInside(ARect : TRect; AColor, AFrameColor, AHLTextColor, AHLColor, AFontColor : TColor);
Function   GetAutoWidth : Integer;
Function   GetCursorPos : TPoint;
Function   GetEditDetails : TThemedElementDetails;
Function   GetEditorBounds : TRect;
Function   GetEditState : TThemedEdit;
Function   GetExcludeRect : TRect;
Procedure  InsertString(Str : TXPString);
Procedure  InternalSetCursor;
Procedure  NumberFormatChanged;
Procedure  SelectAll;
Procedure  SetCaretPos(Value : Integer);
Procedure  SetText       (Const Value : TCaption);
Procedure  SetTransparent(Const Value : Boolean);
Procedure  Undo;

Procedure  ButtonClick;
Procedure  CtrlEnterClick;
Procedure  DoAdjustClientRect(Var Rect : TRect);
Function   GetButtonDetails(AButton : TXPEditButton) : TThemedElementDetails;
Function   GetButtonVisible(AButton : TXPEditButton; AVisible : Boolean) : Boolean;
Function   GetGlyph(AButton : TXPEditButton) : TGraphic;
Procedure  PaintButton(AButton : TXPEditButton);
Procedure  PaintGlyph(AButton : TXPEditButton; Const ARect : TRect);
Procedure  SetButtonVisibility;


TXPButtonEx is a custom version (Extra) of the TButton component. It inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;

Procedure DoMouseHover(State : TMouseState)
Procedure InternalPaint(ARect : TRect)
Procedure Prepaint(Var  ARect : TRect)


TXPCheckBox is a variation of the TCheckBox component. It inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;

Procedure CompulsoryClick;
Procedure ButtonMouseDown(X, Y : Integer);
Procedure ButtonMouseMove(X, Y : Integer);
Procedure ButtonMouseUp  (X, Y : Integer);
Function  GetControlState(Enabled, Pressed, Hot : Boolean) : TThemedButton; Virtual; Abstract;

Function  GetChecked       : Boolean;
Procedure SetChecked(Value : Boolean);
Procedure ReDrawCaption(AColor, AFontColor : TColor);
Procedure Toggle;
Function  GetPartId       : Integer;
Function  GetStateBase    : TThemedButton;
Function  GetAlphaImage   : TAlphaImage;
Function  GetFrameCtrlStateFlags : Integer;


TXPComboBox is a variation of the TComboBox component and provides these specific methods:

Procedure Button2Click;
Function  GetPopupItemWidth(Index : Integer) : Integer;
Function  UserCanOpenDropDown : Boolean;
Procedure CloseUp;
Procedure DropDown;
Procedure Select;

In addition, TXPComboBox inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;

Function   CalcInternalHeight : Integer;
Procedure  Change;
Procedure  ChangeHotFont(IsHot : Boolean);
Procedure  Clear;
Procedure  ClearSelection;
Procedure  ClearUndo;
Procedure  CopyToClipboard;
Procedure  CreateCaret;
Procedure  CutToClipboard;
Procedure  DestroyCaret;
Procedure  DoEndCapture;
Procedure  DrawInside(ARect : TRect; AColor, AFrameColor, AHLTextColor, AHLColor, AFontColor : TColor);
Function   GetAutoWidth : Integer;
Function   GetCursorPos : TPoint;
Function   GetEditDetails : TThemedElementDetails;
Function   GetEditorBounds : TRect;
Function   GetEditState : TThemedEdit;
Function   GetExcludeRect : TRect;
Procedure  InsertString(Str : TXPString);
Procedure  InternalSetCursor;
Procedure  NumberFormatChanged;
Procedure  SelectAll;
Procedure  SetCaretPos(Value : Integer);
Procedure  SetText       (Const Value : TCaption);
Procedure  SetTransparent(Const Value : Boolean);
Procedure  Undo;

Procedure  ButtonClick;
Procedure  CtrlEnterClick;
Procedure  DoAdjustClientRect(Var Rect : TRect);
Function   GetButtonDetails(AButton : TXPEditButton) : TThemedElementDetails;
Function   GetButtonVisible(AButton : TXPEditButton; AVisible : Boolean) : Boolean;
Function   GetGlyph(AButton : TXPEditButton) : TGraphic;
Procedure  PaintButton(AButton : TXPEditButton);
Procedure  PaintGlyph(AButton : TXPEditButton; Const ARect : TRect);
Procedure  SetButtonVisibility;


TXPDirectoryEdit is a variation of the TEdit component. It inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;

Function   CalcInternalHeight : Integer;
Procedure  Change;
Procedure  ChangeHotFont(IsHot : Boolean);
Procedure  Clear;
Procedure  ClearSelection;
Procedure  ClearUndo;
Procedure  CopyToClipboard;
Procedure  CreateCaret;
Procedure  CutToClipboard;
Procedure  DestroyCaret;
Procedure  DoEndCapture;
Procedure  DrawInside(ARect : TRect; AColor, AFrameColor, AHLTextColor, AHLColor, AFontColor : TColor);
Function   GetAutoWidth : Integer;
Function   GetCursorPos : TPoint;
Function   GetEditDetails : TThemedElementDetails;
Function   GetEditorBounds : TRect;
Function   GetEditState : TThemedEdit;
Function   GetExcludeRect : TRect;
Procedure  InsertString(Str : TXPString);
Procedure  InternalSetCursor;
Procedure  NumberFormatChanged;
Procedure  SelectAll;
Procedure  SetCaretPos(Value : Integer);
Procedure  SetText       (Const Value : TCaption);
Procedure  SetTransparent(Const Value : Boolean);
Procedure  Undo;

Procedure  ButtonClick;
Procedure  CtrlEnterClick;
Procedure  DoAdjustClientRect(Var Rect : TRect);
Function   GetButtonDetails(AButton : TXPEditButton) : TThemedElementDetails;
Function   GetButtonVisible(AButton : TXPEditButton; AVisible : Boolean) : Boolean;
Function   GetGlyph(AButton : TXPEditButton) : TGraphic;
Procedure  PaintButton(AButton : TXPEditButton);
Procedure  PaintGlyph(AButton : TXPEditButton; Const ARect : TRect);
Procedure  SetButtonVisibility;


TXPEdit is a variation of the TEdit component and provides these specific methods:

Function  CalcInternalHeight : Integer;
Procedure Change;
Procedure ChangeHotFont(IsHot : Boolean);
Procedure Clear;
Procedure ClearSelection;
Procedure ClearUndo;
Procedure CopyToClipboard;
Procedure CreateCaret;
Procedure CutToClipboard;
Procedure DestroyCaret;
Procedure DoEndCapture;
Procedure DrawInside(ARect : TRect; AColor, AFrameColor, AHLTextColor, AHLColor, AFontColor : TColor);
Function  GetAutoWidth : Integer;
Function  GetCursorPos : TPoint;
Function  GetEditDetails : TThemedElementDetails;
Function  GetEditorBounds : TRect;
Function  GetEditState : TThemedEdit;
Function  GetExcludeRect : TRect;
Procedure InsertString(Str : TXPString);
Procedure InternalSetCursor;
Procedure NumberFormatChanged;
Procedure SelectAll;
Procedure SetCaretPos(Value : Integer);
Procedure SetText       (Const Value : TCaption);
Procedure SetTransparent(Const Value : Boolean);
Procedure Undo;

In addition, TXPEdit inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending class:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;


TXPExtPanel is a custom version (Extra) of the TPanel component and provides these specific methods:

Function  GetDrawingMode : TXPDrawingMode;
Function  UseRegion      : Boolean;
Function  DoCreateRegion : HRGN;
Procedure BeginUpdate;
Procedure EndUpdate;

In addition, TXPExtPanel inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending class:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;


TXPFileNameEdit is a variation of the TEdit component. It inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;

Function   CalcInternalHeight : Integer;
Procedure  Change;
Procedure  ChangeHotFont(IsHot : Boolean);
Procedure  Clear;
Procedure  ClearSelection;
Procedure  ClearUndo;
Procedure  CopyToClipboard;
Procedure  CreateCaret;
Procedure  CutToClipboard;
Procedure  DestroyCaret;
Procedure  DoEndCapture;
Procedure  DrawInside(ARect : TRect; AColor, AFrameColor, AHLTextColor, AHLColor, AFontColor : TColor);
Function   GetAutoWidth : Integer;
Function   GetCursorPos : TPoint;
Function   GetEditDetails : TThemedElementDetails;
Function   GetEditorBounds : TRect;
Function   GetEditState : TThemedEdit;
Function   GetExcludeRect : TRect;
Procedure  InsertString(Str : TXPString);
Procedure  InternalSetCursor;
Procedure  NumberFormatChanged;
Procedure  SelectAll;
Procedure  SetCaretPos(Value : Integer);
Procedure  SetText       (Const Value : TCaption);
Procedure  SetTransparent(Const Value : Boolean);
Procedure  Undo;

Procedure  ButtonClick;
Procedure  CtrlEnterClick;
Procedure  DoAdjustClientRect(Var Rect : TRect);
Function   GetButtonDetails(AButton : TXPEditButton) : TThemedElementDetails;
Function   GetButtonVisible(AButton : TXPEditButton; AVisible : Boolean) : Boolean;
Function   GetGlyph(AButton : TXPEditButton) : TGraphic;
Procedure  PaintButton(AButton : TXPEditButton);
Procedure  PaintGlyph(AButton : TXPEditButton; Const ARect : TRect);
Procedure  SetButtonVisibility;


TXPGroupBox is a variation of the TGroupBox component. It inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending class:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;


TXPHistoryEdit is a variation of the TEdit component and provides these specific methods:

Procedure  HistoryChanged;
Procedure  SaveHistory;
Procedure  LoadHistory;
Procedure  EmptyHistory;

In addtion, TXPHistoryEdit inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;

Function   CalcInternalHeight : Integer;
Procedure  Change;
Procedure  ChangeHotFont(IsHot : Boolean);
Procedure  Clear;
Procedure  ClearSelection;
Procedure  ClearUndo;
Procedure  CopyToClipboard;
Procedure  CreateCaret;
Procedure  CutToClipboard;
Procedure  DestroyCaret;
Procedure  DoEndCapture;
Procedure  DrawInside(ARect : TRect; AColor, AFrameColor, AHLTextColor, AHLColor, AFontColor : TColor);
Function   GetAutoWidth : Integer;
Function   GetCursorPos : TPoint;
Function   GetEditDetails : TThemedElementDetails;
Function   GetEditorBounds : TRect;
Function   GetEditState : TThemedEdit;
Function   GetExcludeRect : TRect;
Procedure  InsertString(Str : TXPString);
Procedure  InternalSetCursor;
Procedure  NumberFormatChanged;
Procedure  SelectAll;
Procedure  SetCaretPos(Value : Integer);
Procedure  SetText       (Const Value : TCaption);
Procedure  SetTransparent(Const Value : Boolean);
Procedure  Undo;

Procedure  ButtonClick;
Procedure  CtrlEnterClick;
Procedure  DoAdjustClientRect(Var Rect : TRect);
Function   GetButtonDetails(AButton : TXPEditButton) : TThemedElementDetails;
Function   GetButtonVisible(AButton : TXPEditButton; AVisible : Boolean) : Boolean;
Function   GetGlyph(AButton : TXPEditButton) : TGraphic;
Procedure  PaintButton(AButton : TXPEditButton);
Procedure  PaintGlyph(AButton : TXPEditButton; Const ARect : TRect);
Procedure  SetButtonVisibility;

Procedure  Button2Click;
Function   GetPopupItemWidth(Index : Integer) : Integer;
Function   UserCanOpenDropDown : Boolean;
Procedure  CloseUp;
Procedure  DropDown;
Procedure  Select;


TXPImageList is a variation of the TImageList component and inherits its methods from the standard TImageList class.


TXPSpinnerImage is a variation of the TImage component and provides these specific methods:

Class Procedure LoadSpinnerPicture (APicture : TPicture);
Class Function  CreateGraphic : TGraphic;

In addtion, TXPSpinnerImage inherits methods from the standard TImage class:


TXPLabel is a variation of the TLabel component and inherits its methods from the TCustomLabel class.


TXPListBox is a variation of the TList component and provides these specific methods:

Procedure ClickCheck;
Function  GetTextShift : Integer;
Function  GetBackColor : TColor;
Function  GetPrevItemIndex : Integer;
Function  GetNextItemIndex : Integer;
Procedure SelectionChanged;
Procedure NCCalcSize(Var Msg : TWMNCCalcSize);
Function  NCPaint : Boolean;
Procedure UpdateItemsAreaWidth;
Procedure CorrectPopupItemHeight(Var Value : Integer);
Procedure DoDrawEmptySpace;
Procedure DoDrawCheck    (Index : Integer);
Procedure DoDrawItem     (Index : Integer);
Procedure DoOwnerDrawItem(Index : Integer);
Procedure DoDrawItemText (Index : Integer; Const ARect : TRect);	
Function  GetItemsClientRect : TRect;
Function  GetThemeCheckSize(Var ARect : TRect; AState : TThemedButton) : TSize;
Function  GetItemTextWidth(Index : Integer) : Integer;
Function  GetItemTextHeight                 : Integer;
Procedure Clear;
Procedure ClearSelection;
Function  ItemAtPos(Pos : TPoint; Existing : Boolean) : Integer;
Function  ItemRect(Index : Integer) : TRect;
Procedure SelectAll;

In addtion, TXPListBox inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending class:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;


TXPProgressBar is a variation of the TProgressBar component and provides these specific methods:

Procedure DoPostPaint;
Procedure StepIt;
Procedure StepBy(Delta : Integer);

In addtion, TXPProgressBar inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending class:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;


TXPRadioButton is a variation of the TRadioButton component. It inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;

Procedure CompulsoryClick;
Procedure ButtonMouseDown(X, Y : Integer);
Procedure ButtonMouseMove(X, Y : Integer);
Procedure ButtonMouseUp  (X, Y : Integer);
Function  GetControlState(Enabled, Pressed, Hot : Boolean) : TThemedButton; Virtual; Abstract;

Function  GetChecked       : Boolean;
Procedure SetChecked(Value : Boolean);
Procedure ReDrawCaption(AColor, AFontColor : TColor);
Procedure Toggle;
Function  GetPartId       : Integer;
Function  GetStateBase    : TThemedButton;
Function  GetAlphaImage   : TAlphaImage;
Function  GetFrameCtrlStateFlags : Integer;


TXPRadioGroup is a variation of the TRadioGroup component. It inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending class:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;


TXPScrollBar is a variation of the TScrollBar component and provides these specific methods:

Procedure Change;
Procedure Scroll(ScrollCode : TScrollCode; Var ScrollPos : Integer);
Function  IgnoreThemePainting : Boolean;
Procedure DrawShaft   (Const ARect : TRect; AState : Integer);
Procedure DrawArrowBtn(Const ARect : TRect; AState : Integer; AOffset : Integer; AIsUp : Boolean);
Procedure DrawThumb   (Const ARect : TRect; AState : Integer);
Procedure SetParams   (APosition, AMin, AMax : Integer);

In addtion, TXPScrollBar inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending class:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;


TXPSpeedButton is a variation of the TSpeedButton component and provides these specific methods:

Function  GetShiftContentIfPressed : Boolean;
Procedure VCLClick;
Procedure PaintStandard    (ARect,ARectDrop : TRect; APushed : Boolean);
Procedure PaintFading      (Const ARectDrop : TRect; APushed : Boolean);
Procedure DrawImage        (Canvas : TCanvas; Const ARect : TRect; AEnabled : Boolean);
Procedure DrawFadingImage  (Canvas : TCanvas; Const ARect : TRect);
Procedure CopyToImage      (AlphaImage : TAlphaBitmap);
Procedure RedrawImage      (Const ARect : TRect);
Procedure RedrawCaption    (Const ARect : TRect; Const ACaption : String; AFontColor : TColor);
Procedure RedrawInside     (ARect : TRect; AFontColor : TColor; DoFontFading : Boolean);
Procedure CalculatePositions(Const ARect : TRect; Out TotalSize : TPoint; Out GlyphPos : TPoint; Out TextBounds : TRect);
Function  NeedPaintDropdown    : Boolean;
Function  PushOnClick          : Boolean;
Function  GetDrawCaptionFlags  : TXPDrawCaptionFlags;
Function  GetEllipsisPosition  : TEllipsisPosition;
Function  GetFadingEnabled     : Boolean;
Function  GetGlyphSize(Out GlyphSize : TSize) : Boolean;
Procedure UpdateExclusive;
Procedure AppearanceChanged(AChange : TAppearanceChange);
Procedure KindChanged;

Procedure GlyphChanged   (Sender : TObject);
Procedure GetGlyphInfo   (Out GlyphToDraw : TGraphic; Out NumGlyphsToDraw : Integer);
Function  GetImageState : Integer;

In addition, TXPSpeedButton inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;

Procedure TransparentChanged;


TXPSpinEdit is a variation of the TEdit component and provides these specific methods:

Procedure InternalCheckAndSetValue;
Procedure InternalIncrementValue;
Procedure InternalDecrementValue;
Function  IsValidChar(Key : Char) : Boolean;
Procedure SetButtonVisibility;
Function  GetAutoWidth : Integer;

In addition, TXPSpinEdit inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;

Function   CalcInternalHeight : Integer;
Procedure  Change;
Procedure  ChangeHotFont(IsHot : Boolean);
Procedure  Clear;
Procedure  ClearSelection;
Procedure  ClearUndo;
Procedure  CopyToClipboard;
Procedure  CreateCaret;
Procedure  CutToClipboard;
Procedure  DestroyCaret;
Procedure  DoEndCapture;
Procedure  DrawInside(ARect : TRect; AColor, AFrameColor, AHLTextColor, AHLColor, AFontColor : TColor);
Function   GetAutoWidth : Integer;
Function   GetCursorPos : TPoint;
Function   GetEditDetails : TThemedElementDetails;
Function   GetEditorBounds : TRect;
Function   GetEditState : TThemedEdit;
Function   GetExcludeRect : TRect;
Procedure  InsertString(Str : TXPString);
Procedure  InternalSetCursor;
Procedure  NumberFormatChanged;
Procedure  SelectAll;
Procedure  SetCaretPos(Value : Integer);
Procedure  SetText       (Const Value : TCaption);
Procedure  SetTransparent(Const Value : Boolean);
Procedure  Undo;


TXPSplitButton is a variation of the TButton component that offers a  pop-up menu capability and provides these specific methods:

Procedure AfterHidePopup;
Procedure BeforeShowPopup;

In addtion, TXPSplitButton inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending classes:

Procedure UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function  GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure ClearModified;

Procedure CompulsoryClick;
Procedure ButtonMouseDown(X, Y : Integer);
Procedure ButtonMouseMove(X, Y : Integer);
Procedure ButtonMouseUp  (X, Y : Integer);
Function  GetControlState(Enabled, Pressed, Hot : Boolean) : TThemedButton; Virtual;
Function  GetShiftContentIfPressed : Boolean;
Procedure ReDrawCaption(ARect : TRect; AFontColor : TColor);
Procedure ReDrawInside (ARect : TRect; AFontColor : TColor);


TXPSplitter is a variation of the TSplitter component and inherits its methods from the standard TSplitter class.


TXPTrackBar is a variation of the TTrackBar component and provides these specific methods:

Procedure  DoChange;
Procedure  ClearTicks;
Function   GetTickColor : TColor;
Procedure  SetTick(Value : Integer);

In addtion, TXPTrackBar inherits methods from TCustomControl and the following descending class:

Procedure  UpdateSmoothDraw;
Function   GetModified : Boolean;
Procedure  ClearModified;


TXStatusBar is a variation of the TStatusBar component and inherits its methods from the standard TStatusBar class.

Note that this component is called TXStatusBar rather than TXPStatusBar.

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