ActiveBOM_Dlg-DialogColumnSettingsSelect Columns (ActiveBOM) _AD
Created: ноября 21, 2017 | Updated: апреля 24, 2018
| Applies to version: 18.0
Вы просматриваете версию 18. Для самой новой информации, перейдите на страницу ActiveBOM_Dlg-DialogColumnSettings((Select Columns (ActiveBOM) ))_AD для версии 22
The Select Columns dialog
The Select Columns dialog allows you to select which columns to display in an ActiveBom.
In an ActiveBom document (*.BomDoc), right-click on a column header then choose Select columns.
- Select Columns
- Available columns - lists the available columns that are currently not displayed.
- Selected columns - lists the currently displayed columns.
- Add - click to add currently selected Available Columns (not displayed) to the Selected Columns (displayed) region.
- Remove - click to add currently selected Selected Columns (displayed) to the Available Columns (not displayed) region.
- All - click to move all the columns in the Selected Columns (displayed) region to the Available Columns (not displayed) region.