Printout Properties

Parent page: WorkspaceManager Dialogs

The two incarnations of the Printout Properties dialogThe two incarnations of the Printout Properties dialog


This dialog provides controls to configure the properties of a newly-added or existing printout/printout set.

While the controls of the dialog largely remain the same, the actual use of the dialog and its banner text will vary depending on the type of printout entity being created/edited.


The dialog is accessed from the PCB Printout Properties dialog in the following ways:

  • Double-click on the icon to the left of a printout's/printout set's name.
  • Select a printout/printout set, right-click then choose Properties from the context menu.


Top Region

The control presented in this region of the dialog differs depending on the printout entity being configured:

  • Standard Printout - when configuring a standard printout, this region presents the Printout Name field. Use it to change the name for the printout, as required, to give it a more meaningful name that will readily identify its nature and purpose.
The name of a standard printout can be changed directly in the main grid in the PCB Printout Properties dialog. Click once on the printout's name to access in-place editing then type the new name, as required.
  • Drill Printout Set - when configuring a drill printout set, this region presents a control for specifying which drill layer to draw for each distinct layer pair (drill pair). Choose from either Drill Guide or Drill Drawing.


  • Include Top-Side - enable this option to include all components on the top side of the board (those whose Layer property is set to Top Layer).
  • Include Bottom-Side - enable this option to include all components on the bottom side of the board (those whose Layer property is set to Bottom Layer).
  • Include Double-Sided - enable this option to include all components that include both top and bottom layer pads, such as PCB Edge Connectors.


  • Show Holes - enable this option to include pad and via holes on the printout.
  • Mirror Layers - enable this option to mirror the layers included in the printout.
  • Enable Font Substitution - check to enable font substitutions.
  • Enable Design Views - check to enable design views.

Pad Display Options

  • Show Pad Numbers - enable this option to show pad numbers on the printout.
  • Show Pad Nets - enable this option to show pad net information on the printout.
  • Font Size - use this control to determine the size of the font used for pad number and net text.


This region is the 'heart' of printout configuration and provides the necessary controls to add, edit and order the layers that are to make up the printout.

  • Layer List - a list of the layers currently included on the printout (or each printout in a printout set). The layer at the bottom of the list will be drawn first in the printer's memory when the image is rendered. Each layer above is then rendered, in turn, on top. Select a layer and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change its position in the render order.
The list can include different types of layer entity - standard layers or iterated layers.
  • Add - click this button to add another layer to the printout (or each printout in a printout set). The Layer Properties dialog will open in which you can choose from a list of all used layers for the board, and with which to configure the properties for the chosen layer as required.
A new layer will be added to the bottom of the list.
  • Remove - click this button to remove the selected layer entity(ies) from the list.
You will be prevented from removing all layer entries. At least one layer entry must remain.
  • Edit - click this button to edit the currently selected layer entity in the list. The relevant incarnation of the Layer Source Properties dialog will open (Layer Properties/Iterated Layer Properties) with which you can configure the properties for the entity as required.
This button is unavailable if multiple layers are currently selected in the list. Choose only a single layer entry that you want to edit.
  • Move Up - click this button to move the currently selected layer entity(ies) upward in the list, which will change the print rendering order.
  • Move Down - click this button to move the currently selected layer entity(ies) downward in the list, which will change the print rendering order.
Multiple layer entities can be selected for moving and removal using standard multi-select techniques (Ctrl+click, Shift+click, and Click&Drag).


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