WorkspaceManager_Dlg-LibrarySplittingLibrary Splitting_AD
Created: Maj 05, 2022 | Updated: Maj 05, 2022
| Applies to version: 21
This document is no longer available beyond version 21. Information can now be found here: Uncategorized Components for version 25
The Library Splitting dialog provides controls to set custom library grouping options for uncategorized components based on designator mapping by the component types and parameter-based splitting.
This dialog is accessed in the following ways:
- Click the Library Splitting button in the Library Migrator when the file-based integrated library (.IntLib) is selected from the Source Libraries region.
- Click the Library Splitting button in the Library Migrator when the schematic library (.SchLib) is selected from the Source Libraries region.
- Parameter Grouping - enable this option to split components by parameter values. The drop-down lists all of the available parameters.
- Custom Designator Mapping - enable this option for designator mapping by the component type.
- Component Type - click to select the desired component type option from the drop-down.
- Designators - click to select the correct designator string option for the uncategorized components from the drop-down.
- Add - click this button to create a new mapping entry.
- - click this button to remove the selected mapping entry.
- Update - click this button to apply the Library Splitting configuration.