Sch_Dlg-LibraryRuleCheckDialogLibrary Component Rule Check_AD
Created: Lipiec 28, 2015 | Updated: Czerwiec 19, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1, 17.0 and 17.1
Now reading version 17.0. For the latest, read: Sch_Dlg-LibraryRuleCheckDialog((Library Component Rule Check))_AD for version 22
This dialog allows the designer to run a component rule check in the Sch Library Editor, which generates a text report for specified settings.
In the Sch Library Editor, click Reports » Component Rule Check to access this dialog.
- Component Names - Enable this option to check for duplicated component names.
- Pins - Enable this option to check for duplicated pins.
- Description - Enable this option to check for missing descriptions.
- Footprint - Enable this option to check for missing footprint names.
- Default Designator - Enable this option to check for missing default designators.
- Pin Name - Enable this option to check for missing pin names.
- Pin Number - Enable this option to check for missing pin numbers.
- Missing Pins In Sequence - Enable this option to check for missing pins in a sequence.