Created: Marzec 24, 2016 | Updated: Sierpień 13, 2021
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1, 17.0, 17.1, 18.0 and 18.1
Now reading version 15.1. For the latest, read: Query_Lang-LibraryFunctions_Components_Designator((Designator))_AD for version 21
Parent page: Library Query Functions - Components
Returns all components whose Designator property complies with the Query.
Designator : String
Example Usage
Designator = 'U2'
Returns all components whose Designator property is U2
Designator Like '*Channel*'
Returns all components whose Designator property includes Channel.
Designator <> 'C*'
Returns all components except those whose Designator property starts with C.
- Ensure that the scope of the search is set to Components, using the Search in field in the Libraries Search dialog.
- When searching components, all SchLib and IntLib libraries - available, or along a defined search path - will be interrogated.
- All results are listed in the Query Results listing, back in the Libraries panel.