PCB_Dlg-NetNameNet Name_AD
Created: Październik 10, 2017 | Updated: luty 21, 2018
| Applies to versions: 18.0, 18.1, 19.0 and 19.1
Now reading version 19.1. For the latest, read: PCB_Dlg-NetName((Net Name))_AD for version 22
The Net Name dialog allows you to quickly jump to a specific Net within the design workspace by specifying the Net's name.
The dialog is accessed from the PCB Editor by clicking Edit » Jump » Net from the main menus.
- Net Name - use this field to specify the name of the Net to which you want to jump. The name of the Net must be entered in its entirety. Alternatively, enter ? then click OK. The Nets Loaded dialog opens, listing all Nets for the design. Use this dialog to quickly locate the Net to which you want to jump.