Vault Message

This documentation page references Altium Vault, which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace.

Applications & Services for Vaults_AV

Vault Message

This documentation page references Altium Vault, which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace.

Parent page: Altium Vault

Altium Vault Technology is a growing family of products for managing design data and design teams. Hosted as services that are directly accessible by Altium Designer or remotely over internal networks and the web, the Vault technology services connect and communicate through the Altium Vault Server.

The Altium Vault Server is a platform server product that acts as the host for network-based services such as the Altium Vault, the Team Configuration Center, Data Acquisition service and so on. The Vault Server harnesses the web server capabilities of Windows™ Internet Information Services (IIS) to create the server platform. See Altium Vault - Details for IT Departments for more information.

The Altium Vault itself is installed as a hosted service on the server platform, along with its associated services such as the Identity service (IDS) and the Event Dispatch service (EDS). In practice however, the Vault Server can host any type of service that will communicate over networks using the HTTP protocol. The Altium Part Catalog service and the Data Acquisition service are two examples.

Because Web services use standard mechanisms to communicate over networks and the Web, they can easily interact with any type of remote device, application or service. In the case of the Vault service, this can be directly with Altium Designer, via a standard web browser, or potentially with an enterprise infrastructure like a company PLM system.

Altium Vault SDK Copy Link Copied

To enable the development of custom applications and interfaces that can interact with services hosted on the Vault Server, such as the Vault service, Altium has released the Altium Vault Software Development Kit (SDK).

Also known as simply the Vault SDK, when installed it provides the resources needed to develop web service client applications using the Microsoft™ C# programming language.

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