The following pre-packaged resources, derived from this base command, are available:
Show Component in Server
Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to browse to the Component Item-Revision for placed managed component.
This command is accessed from the PCB Editor by right-clicking over a placed managed component and choosing the Component Actions ยป Show <Component> in <Server> command from the context menu.
This command is only available provided the component under the cursor is a managed component, that is, it has been placed from a managed content server.
First, ensure that the cursor is positioned over the required managed component in the main design space.
After launching the command, the Explorer panel will appear, with the specific revision of the corresponding Component Item selected/presented.
The Component Item-Revision can also be browsed directly from the Properties panel, when presenting the properties for the selected component. In the Properties section of the panel (on the General tab) simply click the button to the right of the Design Item ID field.