Public Release Notes for Altium NEXUS

Now reading version 2.1. For the latest, read: Public Release Notes for Altium NEXUS for version 5

This documentation page references Altium NEXUS/NEXUS Client (part of the deployed NEXUS solution), which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace. Check out the FAQs page for more information.


The following sections list the release notes for publically released versions of Altium NEXUS 2.1

For a summary of new features and enhancements in Altium NEXUS 2.1, see  New in Altium NEXUS.

Version 2.1.9 (Update 4)

Build: 83 Date: 14 Janurary 2020

31833 Data Management: Fixed an issue where managed component parameter visibility was not being applied when the component was placed via the Components panel.
33473 Data Management: The Filter Values are no longer restricted when defining (min\max) value ranges in the Components Panel.
33649 PCB: Fixed issue where track width values were different in Layer Stack Manager and the PCB Design Rules.
34439 Data Management: Fixed error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when switching to Batch Component editor from within Explorer or Components panel.
34484 Data Management: The "AppType" and "Language" parameters are now classified as system parameters and no longer visible when viewing the component properties.
36015 Draftsman: Fixed multiple Draftsman output bugs - Variant selection ignored when set in OutJob file; only documents that have been opened
printed; 'All Draftsman Documents' option not available in output selection drop down menu. (BC:8278).
36209 Platform: Fixed scripting FontManager interface bug that caused Undeclared Identifier errors when running scripts that accessed fonts. (BC:10957).
36211 PDNA: Fixed exception error when using Locate under Highlight Peak Values in PDN Analyzer.
36212 Draftsman: Fixed "Usual Layer Font" label positioning Properties Panel for Layer Stack Legend object.
36257 CAMtastic:  Fixed issue where it was not possible to re-open ODB++ files that were exported from CAMtastic when PCB contains slots.
36351 PCB: Fixed rounding errors with impedance profiles in the Layer Stack Manager.

Version 2.1.8 (Update 3)

Build: 74 Date: 7 October 2019 

32354 SCH: Fixed performance issues when saving schematic library files (BC:11440).
33737 PCB: Fixed exception error when closing Polygon Manager while Animate Pour Order is running (BC:5546).
34050 PCB: Fixed an issue where Dimension objects were being displayed incorrectly when using "save copy as" on Japanese OS.
34214 PCB: Fixed bug when moving an object would incorrectly change it's layer when the active layer is the "Keep-out" layer (BC:11822).
34642 PCB: Fixed exception error when using an Outjob that includes multiple containers with NC Drill files. The crash can occur based on the specific order of output containers when the output is generated.

Version 2.1.7 (Update 2)

Build: 73 Date: 30 August 2019 

30060 Added support for SOLIDWORKS19 part files (*.SldPrt) (BC:11553).
32108 Fixed an issue where it was not possible to place inner-layer stacked uVias if there was a component pad present in that location on a surface layer.
33390 Fixed an issue where a catastrophic failure would sometimes occur when cancelling the command during interactive routing, on a partially routed net (BC:11428).
33498 Fixed an issue in the Layer Stack Manager that caused an invalid format message when using values that are smaller than 1oz.
31482 Fixed an issue where mirrored Back Drills were not drawn on the Layer Stack Legend.
32638 Fixed issue where View boundary snapping guides were not functioning when a View was being moved on the sheet (BC:11276).
33819 Fixed an issue where the Import changes from PCB process would become very slow if the design includes components placed from an installed DbLib or SvnDbLib (BC:9443).
Components Panel
32089 Fixed an issue in the Components panel, where real-time in-grid searching failed (option is enabled in the Advanced Settings dialog).
32966 Added support for searching with wildcards in the Components panel.
33713 Added the ability to edit a footprint when the SCHLIB has a valid and linked footprint.
33717 Improved the sorting priority of search results in the Components panel.
Data Management
31843 Fixed an issue where an OutputJob named using a certain naming scheme would result in the Project Releaser not generating all output files for some variants.
33860 Fixed an issue where changing a DbLib component (from a multi-table database) via the ellipsis button in the Design Item ID field would retain the table number of the previous component, resulting in the wrong component being selected.
33999 Fixed an issue where the rank assigned to a Part Choice was not being recognized by the BOM Status feature in ActiveBOM.

Version 2.1.6 (Update 1)

Build: 59 Date: 17 July 2019 

32101 Fixed a bug that occurred when importing projects with the CADSTAR importing wizard.
32221 The origin in the PCB library editor is now snapped to correctly when Footprint Origin snapping is enabled.
32224 Fixed a bug that made it impossible to change settings for snapping.
32228 The midpoint of a pad edge is now snapped to if Pad Vertices is enabled as an Object for Snapping.
32229 The last-placed via stack configuration is now saved as preferred during the current PCB editing session and is then used for the next routing layer change (if applicable).
32236 Fixed a bug where gerber file extensions featured in Layer Stack Tables of PCB documents did not correspond to the correct file extension.
32286 The Grids, Guides & Axes snap enable buttons have been added to the Properties panel in the PCB library editor (BC:11187).
32562 Fixed an error that occurred when Altium NEXUS was starting if it was resized, minimized, and displayed an active Draftsman document.
32595 Fixed regression where the Fill Style applied to a Draftsman Circle object is not visible.
32629 Fixed issue where the target Differential Pair Tuning length match could not be achieved when xSignals are applied.
32784 Fixed issue where unconnected mid-layer pads are incorrectly included in the Gerber output when Backdrilling is applied and the 'Include unconnected mid-layer pads' option is unchecked (BC:11121).
32925 Fixed regression in 2D/3D PCB display rendering where the Plane Clearance was not visible for Backdrilled holes (BC:10808).
32994 Fixed an Ansys EDB Exporter bug that caused some pad sizes to increase in size when opened in Ansys software.
33214 Fixed an issue with the Draftsman Layer Stack Legend that caused Backdrill Vias to start from the Surface Finish Layer rather than the Top/Bottom Layer in symmetrical layer stacks.
33218 A new Surface Finish layer has replaced the Copper plating layer within the Layer Stack Manager.
33245 Fixed an issue with the Ansys EDB Exporter where origin errors would occur when a comma has been used as the decimal separator.

Version 2.1.5 (Initial Release)

Build: 53 Date: 7 May 2019 

30138 The Date/Time format that is shown for projects listed in the Open Project dialog is now determined by the PC's system Region settings.
30249 Fixed crash that occurred when attempting to move and dock a panel onto a second, non-active design window in another monitor.
30511 Resolved a number of UI issues, including: dialogs not applying the selected UI Theme, dialog not retaining its on-screen location, PCB measurement text not scaling correctly, and poor quality images in the xSignals Wizard.
30656 Renamed Debug log now generated in the ...\AppData\Local\Altium\[Product GUID] folder rather than in the current project folder (BC:10462).
30722 Updated the way path preferences are stored and handled to avoid local environment path aliases (BC:9552).
31089 Fixed localization issue with Search hotkey.
29016 Support added for Eagle 9.x format along with numerous fixes and enhancements.
30784 Fixed bugs in a range of third-party design project importers including; Allegro, Eagle, OrCAD, PADS Logic, PADS Layout, xDX Designer, Xpedition, Zuken CR5000.
31027 Fixed bug in DXF/DWG export to now include user-defined relative reference origin in exported file (BC:8195).
Data Management
23815 Fixed a "Git repository not clean" error reported by the Project Releaser when a local project file is out of date with the VCS project files.
25824 The Custom Filter feature is now available from the column listing Filter options in the both a BOM document and the Components panel.
28696 Fixed bug where Project Releaser would hang when generating an ODB++ output file.
29071 Fixed bug where system GDI objects and memory would not be released if the Project Releaser is run and closed multiple times.
29752 Fixed bug where a selected Template was not applied when using the Component Editor in batch mode. Also added automatic sorting and the option to select no template.
30104 Improved Library Migrator performance.
30224 Fixed bug that reported a "Git repository not clean" error in response to a VCS conflict caused by a remote update to the active project.
30398 Fixed error "Can't perform revision status validation: Revision not found" on compile after PCB PCB and using Project Releaser (BC: 8273).
30444 Fixed an issue where the software would freeze for a period of time, with the message "Starting PCB Editor..." in the Status Bar, when clicking on *.DbLib in the Categories within the Components panel.
30526 Resolved issue where the error "Duplicated primary key" could occasionally occur when right-clicking in the Explorer panel.
30603 Fixed an issue that caused the software to freeze when switching between schematics of managed projects.
31032 Added horizontal scroll bar to Variant Manager dialog for better access to multiple variant entries (BC:9814).
31247 Added the option in the Library Migrator to migrate local datasheets.
31644 Resolved an issue where the incorrect time and author credentials were being stored during a GIT comment.
31940 Fixed regression that caused the custom resizing of the Components Panel to not be saved.
31976 Fixed a bug with 'Where Used' section in Replace Component dialog not allowing to follow Where Used links.
28002 Fixed bug where the Properties panel would open in Component rather than object primitive mode when a SCH Library primitive is selected.
29122 Fixed bug that caused incorrect schematic Snap Grid behavior after the software has been restarted, and where the Windows region is set to German.
30288 Fixed "Can't perform revision status validation" error when updating PCB documents after annotation.
30484 Fixed bug that caused an updated component to adopt the default rather than the preferred footprint.
30596 Added automatic saving of Symbol Wizard window's position, size, and layout.
30616 Revised component identification logic and parameter handling to improve library generation (Make Library) process.
30854 Fixed Variants regression where the specified font color style for parameter variations is not shown in the schematic (BC:10440).
30857 Fixed bug that reset the user's font back to 'Times New Roman' during the 'component replacement' actions (BC:2727).
31025 Fixed an issue where part references (Right-click, References sub-menu) to documents in a local folder would show no results (BC:2989).
31040 The Port Cross Reference text for a Port symbol is now automatically placed on the opposite side of a Signal Harness entry (BC:10424).
31260 Fixed a regression issue where reopening a schematic document in which, as part of its previous editing session, the Edit » Move » Bring to Front command had been used, caused an error.
31364 Fixed software performance degradation when a significant number of database library components are placed in a design.
31744 Fixed an issue where a diff pair class could not be added to a group of selected directives.
32014 Fixed bug that caused a violation when adding Class Name to a diff pair that has been created on-the-fly.
Part Search
29731 Fixed bug in Manufacturer Part Search panel where the specified column order was lost when an additional page listing is loaded.
29792 Fixed bug where a configured Custom Parts Provider with an Excel source could not be accessed by the Manufacturer Part Search panel.
30208 Fixed bugs in the compact (narrow) mode of the Manufacturer Part Search panel where the Search results were not shown, the Details section lacked scrollbars and the first listed entry would be cropped after a panel resize.
31183 Resolved an issue where the Manufacturer Part Search Filter panel was incorrectly handling leading zeros in values, for example in the component Case category (BC:10874).
31523 Resolved an issue where pricing information would include redundant spaces around the = symbol if the Suffix option was enabled in the part provider Parameter Import Options.
27304 Fixed bug where BOM output report to template loses formatting when 'MS Excel File' format type is selected.
28895 Fixed an issue where the BOM Checks validation report, defined in an Output Job file, would never fail - as part of board release using the Project Releaser - when at least one fatal error exists.
29347 Resolved an issue where an MS Excel File (*.xls, *.xlsx) format BOM would sometimes cause an error while attempting to apply the selected Excel template.
29373 Added the ability to select and use file-based Library components ('unmanaged' components) when changing/replacing existing components from the ActiveBOM.
30375 Fixed bug that prevented the ActiveBOM line Start number being set to greater than 1000 in the Line
Options dialog.
30803 Resolved an issue where the BomDoc settings, such as Solutions per Item, were not propagating through to the OutJob or the BOM Report.
30986 Fixed issue where hidden Excel sheets in the template were not recognized for BOM reports (BC:10638).
31269 Fixed bug where ReportDate field is incorrect in BOM generated from Template when System Region is set to Dutch.
31682 Fixed an issue where an exception was being thrown when attempting to generate a BOM report in Excel format ('Exception from HRESULT: 0x800AC472').
24898 Fixed bug that prevented DRC violations (such as clearance issues) being detected in folded rigid-flex board designs (BC:9007).
25738 Additional PCB object snapping options implemented through the Board Properties panel (popup shortcut CTRL+E) (BC:7998; BC:5591).
25883 Fixed PCB primitive positional data rounding bug, as observed in the Properties panel when multiple aligned pads are selected.
27818 Fixed bug where, under certain conditions, Waived Violations would return as Violations after running a design rule check.
28440 Fixed bug where PCB Layer Stack Table could not be manually resized using its object handles.
28447 Fixed regression where Polygon or Region vertices data could not be pasted, or imported from a CSV file, into the Outline Vertices section in the Properties panel (BC:9873).
29574 Fixed regression where all Pads/Vias are shown in the 'Update Pads/Vias' dialog rather than just those that require updating.
29889 Fixed regression where the PCB editor Dim, Mask and Net highlighting modes would reset after the display has been cycled between 2D and 3D modes.
30081 Correct impedance profile is now loaded into the rule after importing stackup file.
30350 Fixed layer stack Material Library bug where all mandatory parameter fields were not shown for a new material entry if columns have been previously hidden.
30528 Fixed bug in IPC-2581 output generator that caused incorrect board outlines by rendering Arcs is the wrong rotational direction (BC:9884).
30550 Fixed bug that caused a crash when the system language is set to Korean and a Design Rule file (*.RUL) is imported.
30706 Fixed memory leak bug in router engine used for processes such as Move Component and Interactive Routing.
30776 Fixed issue where xSignals became to be broken after PCB Re-Annotation (BC:9862).
30817 Fixed bug where saving a corrupted STEP footprint model along with other footprints would cause all STEP models to be converted to extrusions.
30913 Added common default PCB snapping settings in Properties Panel and Active Bar (Shift+E to cycle snap options, CTRL+E to popup snapping options).
30927 Fixed regression that prevented the specified layer of an active Layer Set being restored after a different layer was made active.
30934 Quick access to snapping was added in Active bar. Snapping options now available during interactive processes (shortcut Ctrl+E) (BC:9759).
30938 Resolved an issue where changing the design rule scope and re-running the DRC could cause an access violation.
30964 fixed an issue where were no possibility to export/import mechanical layers and layer pairs in PCB Library.
30982 Fixed regression that caused a violation when placing an embedded board array.
31012 Restored PCB dimensioning features: Center, Baseline dimensions, and Linear and Radial Diameter dimensions (BC:8946, BC:9257, BC:8936).
31026 Fixed bug where mechanical layer primitives were included in a component bounding box definition (BC:1261).
31033 Added ability to manage the columns display in the Layer Stack Table - show/hide, edit names and modify the order (BC:7597).
31036 Added Gerber Name column availability to Layer Stack Table (BC:3623).
31037 Added calculated Total Board Thickness option to Layer Stack Table (BC:9225).
31038 Updated Layer Stack Table layer numbering to be synchronized with the copper layer numbering in the Layer Stack Manager (BC:10123).
31039 Resolved an issue where PCB cutouts were included in print outputs (BC:461).
31133 3D Body placement split into two commands - use Place » 3D Body to place an MCAD model, or use Place » Extruded 3D Body to commence interactive placement of an extruded 3D Body object (same behavior as the AD19.0 Place » 3D Body command) (BC:10675; BC:9734).
31135 Updated 2D/3D functionality so that an object's 2D geometry is still visible when its 3D body Opacity is set to 0% (BC:1867).
31141 Fixed bug that caused a Gerber output to generate Mid Layer Pads in incorrect positions when the board source is a Mirrored Embedded Array.
31168 Fixed bug where the Plated Via information was missing from Gerber X2 outputs generated from an embedded board array (panelized source).
31169 Fixed bug where the Slice Track feature was not available in the PCB Library editor (BC:8943).
31296 Fixed an issue that caused Display Clearance Boundaries when routing to be blocked/overlapped by polygons.
31323 Added ability to set PCB Keepouts to Draft, Hide and variable Transparency (BC:10357; BC:10292).
31339 Added layer color crosshatch fills to PCB Keepouts (BC:4750).
31356 Added Properties support for the columns management in Layer Stack Table (BC:7597).
31368 Fixed regression where xSignal values are shown as 'BROKEN' for particular PCB design documents.
31434 Resolved an issue in the IPC-2581 output where nets connected by a net-tie were reported as different nets.
31612 Restored PCB Sheet Settings for Board options layout in the Properties panel (BC:8600).
31622 Resolved an issue where the copy/paste reference point was not defined correctly when pasting.
31648 Fixed an issue in PCB where zero-length tracks were added if the component was moved in some specific situations.
31649 Resolved an issue where DXF/DWG export would report "Failed to export", even though the DXF/DWG file was correctly generated.
31675 Resolved an issue where changing the relative origin would set it 1 grid unit left of the click location.
31842 Fixed an issue where the X, Y coordinate values from the PCB list panel were changed to incorrect values when using decimal "," symbol in Windows Regional settings.
31893 Fixed regression that caused all pads and vias to be displayed when invoking the Update Pad/Via Templates command even though they did not need to be updated.
31942 Fixed bug where the 'Keepout Region' was replaced by 'Copper Region' during the "Make PCB Library" process (BC:5538).
32063 Fixed issue that caused Xsignals to break after routing was completed by manually moving tracks or by interactive routing.
32070 Added option to "Merge Net-Tie Nets" for ODB++, IPC-D-356A and IPC-2581 output (BC:961, BC:3738).
32102 PCB Snapping Options have been updated with separate Grids, Axes and Guide options. Also snapping To Grids and Guides now works independently on Global enable\disable options (shortcut Ctrl+E).
32122 The Mechanical Layer number is now shown in the View Configuration Panel.
32163 Fixed bug where the HDI - TH vias were absent in NC Drill output if there were uVias with the same Start Top and Stop Bottom layers (BC:11078).
32190 Fixed an issue with Interactive length tuning 'From Rules' when changing Target length causes causing continuous DRC loop until an accordion is unselected.
32208 Fixed crash when opening a specific PCB document if the PCB List Panel is open.


18437 Added Draftsman X/Y axis scale object that can be placed and attached between any two drawing viewpoints.
21531 Added Draftsman Bookmarks TOC data to its PDF output generation process (BC:6614).
25612 Added ability to place dimensions to any primitive (BC:7287; BC:9574).
30379 Column Physical Layer Number was added to the Layer Stack Legend in Draftsman.
30587 Added Draftsman capability for a single Callout to apply to multiple sources/points on the document.
30753 Fixed bug that prevented the placement of Draftsman drawing views if components have a '/ ' character in their name and FIPS system cryptography algorithms are enabled (BC:10507).
30838 Fixed Draftsman regression that caused drill Symbols to be flipped (mirrored) in a placed Drill Drawing View.
31382 Fixed regression that caused a Draftsman document to not be allowed to be saved after importing changes from the PCB document.
31514 Fixed font rendering bug in Draftsman Assembly Drawing output caused by a recent Windows update "1809" (BC:10498).
31634 Added Diameter Dimension object to Draftsman.
31683 Fixed an issue where layers were missing a Fabrication View on certain Draftsman document designs, despite graphics still being present on the PCB.
31714 Fixed regression where snapping was displaced while editing objects in Draftsman.
27474 Fixed bug in Multi-board PCB display where Arcs on solder Mask layers were not being shown.
28996 View Configuration panel added to the Multi-board Assembly Editor. Use the panel to configure the Projection style, the Section View mode and planes, and the System Color assignments.
29687 Restored the ability to change PCB layer visibility in the Multi-board Assembly panel (BC: 10616).
30163 Section View now supports separate X, Y and Z section planes. Planes are are enabled and their orientation set in the View Configuration panel. Section View has 3 display modes, Off, On (sectioning applied, planes not visible), and Edit (sectioning applied, planes visible and editable). Drag a colored axis handle to move that section plane.
30194 Fixed 3D rendering issue in Multi-board Assembly view that can occur with PCB designs that include extruded 3D bodies.
30199 Fixed bug where blind vias were displaying as thru-hole vias.
30496 Added Multi-board option to skip free 3D bodies during ECO or when importing board file.
30497 Added Multi-board options to set components or STEP models to semi-transparent (BC:9454).
30674 Added OutJob support for exporting Multi-board Assembly as STEP or Parasolid X_T output.
31071 STEP models in a Multi-board assembly can be updated via the new right-click > Update Selected 3D Body command, the object's location and user-defined Mates are retained.
31346 Resolved an issue where the Multi-board schematic editor would display the From pin as the To pin in the Connections section of the Properties panel.
31772 Added keyboard shortcut L to open the Multi-board Assembly View configuration panel.
Components Panel
28243 Components panel - Favorites feature added to the Parameters listed in the Details section, now lists starred (Favorite) parameters when the list is in Show Less mode. Expand parameter list to access star feature, right-click to reset.
29386 Updated Components panel to not show PCB Library files when only a schematic type file is open for editing.
29890 Fixed bug in Components panel where a Favorite filter (starred) was not correctly retained between sessions or panel instances and did not appear at the top of the Filter listing.
30441 Fixed Components panel bug where its Categories navigation tree did not refresh after the Component Types list has been edited in Preferences.
30608 Added 'Find Similar Components' feature to the Components panel - accessed by right-clicking on a listed component.
31072 Fixed regression where the order of file-based libraries listed in the Components panel did not match that specified in the File-based Libraries Preferences (BC:10464).
31201 Improved Components panel Categories loading speed when a large number of unmanaged (file-based) libraries are installed.
31288 Added ability to select then edit or add to an active Search string 'breadcrumb' in the Components panel and the Manufacturer Part Search panel (BC:10787).
31562 Fixed an issue where the Components panel did not restore the previous session after re-logging in.
31650 Fixed an issue that ignored some symbols in the Name field when creating a new component type in the Data Management - Component Types Preferences page.
31806 Fixed regression issue with Components panel when using SvnDbLib. Refresh Library now works as expected after updating the SvnDbLib (BC:1195).


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