WorkspaceManager_Dlg-SharingOutsideWorkspaceSharing Outside of the Workspace_AD
Created: March 25, 2020 | Updated: July 21, 2020
| Applies to version: 20.1
Now reading version 20.1. For the latest, read: WorkspaceManager_Dlg-SharingOutsideWorkspace((Sharing Outside of the Workspace))_AD for version 21
The Sharing Project Outside of the Workspace dialog
The Sharing Project Outside of the Workspace dialog is used to share a project with a person outside of the team. While you may share a project with anyone outside of the Workspace team, sharing will only provide viewing privileges.
This dialog is accessed by entering the email address of a person outside of the Workspace team, then clicking Share from the Share dialog.
- Share - click this option to proceed with sharing the project, but with view-only permissions.
- Invite - if you need the added person (people) to have editing rights, then you must specifically invite them to your Workspace team. Click this option to launch your default Web browser with the Admin-Users page presented, from where you can specifically invite the person.