A Quick Guide to Design Management with a Workspace Connected to Altium Designer

Your Altium 365 Workspace, in conjunction with Altium Designer, brings support for Managed Projects. Managed Projects target the development stage of the project lifecycle, simplifying the creation and ongoing workflow for version controlled projects. Centralized storage under the control of the Workspace also enables this feature to be a foundation for other collaborative services.

Some key benefits to using Managed Projects are:

  • Simplified storage. No need to make decisions about storage locations. Backup and other basic services are taken care of.
  • Foundation for collaborative features.
  • Enforced version control.
  • Advantages of a dedicated commenting system.
  • Notifications and status. Document status including local modifications is visible to entire design teams.
  • Concurrent PCB design works without any complex setup.
  • Ability to share the project with multiple people for editing, or for viewing and commenting only.
  • Full functionality when using the Project History feature, including VCS-related commit events.

Management is performed through the Projects page of the Workspace's browser interface. New managed projects can be created through this interface, or through the Create Project dialog in Altium Designer. Alternatively, an existing non-managed project can be quickly made available to the Workspace.

You can also access a detailed, CAD-centric view of the project which offers Design, Supply, Releases and History view options:

  • Design - display and navigate source project design documents, view design object properties and place review comments. This view uses the Web Viewer interface to present your design across four distinct data sub-views, to show the source schematic(s), board in 2D, board in 3D and Bill of Materials respectively. This view is for the latest version of the source project data, rather than a specified release from that project, and so could be considered to be a work-in-progress (WIP) view. You can review both the base design and any defined variant thereof.
  • Supply - interactively examine work-in-progress (WIP) BOM data extracted from the design documents, including entries for Manufacturer and Supplier parts data derived from a project's populated ActiveBOM document.
  • Releases - view the releases for the project. Access is provided for opening the full release data, or a specific assembly package, which will be presented on a separate tab through a Manufacturing Portal. From this portal you can view and navigate the released file data, inspect the BOM, and view and comment on the snapshot of the design itself; the source for that released data. From either the Releases view, or through the Manufacturing Portal for a specific release, you'll have access to controls for downloading manufacturing data at various levels of granularity (from full data set(s) to individual generated output files). A chosen release can also be sent - as a Manufacturing Package - directly to your manufacturer. You even have the ability to compare Gerber data between releases or against a locally-generated file set.
  • History - browse a progressive timeline of major events relating to the project including its creation, commits, releases, clones and MCAD exchanges. Each time a supported event happens in association with the project, that event is added to the timeline as a dedicated tile with various actions supported where applicable. For release events, you even have the ability to compare Gerber data between releases or against a locally-generated file set. For more information, see Project History.
The beauty of Managed Projects is that they are version controlled by default, and can be collaboratively worked upon without having to worry about shared drives, servers, agreements etc. Version control is handled courtesy of the Workspace's built-in GIT version control service. If your project is under external version control, you can migrate it to be a fully-managed project in the Workspace that hosts the design files in the server's own Git repository (effectively switching to the Workspace's native VCS). For detailed information on how to do this, see Moving from External VCS to Workspace Native VCS.
You can also keep your project unmanaged (a regular, or VCS-based project), but make a synchronized copy of it available online - sending it to your Workspace. Referred to as Simple Sync, this enables you to take advantage of the collaborative benefits offered through Altium 365.
Read about Managed Projects.

Reusable Design Circuitry

Being able to re-use design content is something that all product development companies want, and can greatly benefit from. Not only does reuse save time, being able to easily re-use a section of a previous design means that all the qualification and testing of that part of the design is done. Design reuse is much more than copy and paste though, true reuse requires the content to be locked down so you're guaranteed that it is the same as before. No quick edits to change the color of a component or a tweak to a resistor value, working with reusable content must be like working with off-the-shelf components; place the content, wire it in, and it works just like it did last time.

Altium Designer, in conjunction with your Altium 365 Workspace, caters for the ability to create Managed Schematic Sheets (often termed Managed Sheets) in that Workspace. Such Items can be created directly from within the Workspace. Once a Managed Schematic Sheet Item has been created (and data released into a revision of it), and its lifecycle state set to a level that the organization views as ready for use at the design level, it can be reused in future board-level design projects.

A managed sheet is a standard Altium Designer schematic sheet containing components and wiring, that has been stored in your Workspace so it can be re-used in other designs. It is edited like any other schematic sheet. The managed sheet concept is not limited to a single schematic sheet, you can place a managed sheet in your design that is at the top of a tree of other managed sheets.

Managed sheets differ from Device Sheets in that they are stored within your Workspace, where device sheets are stored in a folder on a hard drive. As such, they enjoy the benefits attributed to managed content, including revision and lifecycle management, and of course secured integrity.

The decision to move from device sheets to managed sheets comes when there is a desire to make the transition from re-useable content to managed re-useable content - that is, when there is a desire or need to be able to control the release, revision status and lifecycle state of that design content.

By making it managed content you can be sure that the revision of a managed sheet that you use in a design can be easily identified and traced back to its source whenever needed. And because it is managed content it can be revised and updated when needed; and the usage relationships can all be traced, both down to the components on that sheet, and up to the designs that use that sheet. This ensures you have all the information needed to decide if that revised sheet must be pushed through to existing designs, or if a particular design must continue to use the previous revision.

The ability to use managed components to build larger design building blocks enables the design-flow to become ever-more streamlined, and at a higher level of abstraction. The designer, just like picking parts off a shelf, reuses these managed sheets of design functionality as constituent components of the bigger design project. And the more managed sheets of such circuitry that have been created and released into your Workspace, the more functionality the designer has access to, which in turn boosts productivity for subsequent designs.

Managed Components

Altium Designer, with its unified design approach, has traditionally used a component model that extends across all aspects of the electronics design process. However, to seamlessly fit the process of electronics design into the encapsulating product development process as a whole, this model needs to evolve - extending to cover other aspects including other design processes (in particular MCAD and Industrial Design), as well as business processes (such as procurement and manufacturing) that intersect with the product development process. This evolved object model is known as the Unified Component Model.

This component model effectively maps the concept of a design component - in the traditional electronics design arena - to the component as seen by the rest of the organization in the bigger 'product arena'. A truly 'Unified Component' model that not only represents the component in the different design domains (Schematic Capture, PCB Layout, Simulation) but also facilitates choices of the desired physical components - real-world manufactured parts - at design-time, offering a significant improvement in terms of procurement cost and time, when manufacturing the assembled product.

Under this modeling paradigm, the design component, as seen by the designer, is separated from the Manufacturer and/or Vendor parts. This information is not defined as part of the component. Instead, Part Choices are used to map the design component to one or more Manufacturer Parts, listed in a Part Catalog, which in turn can be mapped to one or more Vendor parts, allowing the designer to state up-front, what real parts can be used for any given design component used in a design.

These components, along with their part choices, are stored in your Altium 365 Workspace. A managed component (as it is then referred) is stored as a series of revisions of a uniquely-identifiable Component Item. Each revision is lifecycle-managed, providing collections of certified components, authorized to be re-instantiated into new design projects, manufactured into prototypes, or used for production runs. In short, a catalog of components implemented through server-based 'libraries'.

Managed Templates

Altium Designer, in conjunction with your Altium 365 Workspace, caters for the ability to create and manage a variety of templates for use in and by, your board design projects. The following template types are supported:

Once a template has been released to the Workspace, and its lifecycle state set to a level that the organization views as ready for use at the design level, that template can be reused in future board-level design projects.

You even have the opportunity to create managed Project Templates. Such templates stored in your Workspace can include the common document and file types that make up a project, as well as additional reference documentation and configuration files.

Management of all templates - both server-based and local (file-based) - can be performed from a single, convenient location - the Data Management - Templates page of the Preferences dialog in Altium Designer.

Board Design Release

Altium Designer provides powerful, high-integrity board design release management. The board design release process is automated, enabling you to release your board design projects without the risks associated with manual release procedures. When a particular project is released, a snapshot of the design source is taken and archived along with any generated output - which represents a tangible product that is made from that design project and sold by the company. Release data is stored in revisions of the relevant project-related Item in your Altium 365 Workspace:

  • PCB Project Design Item - the snapshot of the design, including all source documents. Released into a separate Item in the Workspace, allowing you to keep your valuable IP aside from the generated fabrication and assembly data needed by external parties to build the product.
  • PCB Fabrication Data Item - the data set required by the fabrication house for manufacture of the bare board.
  • PCB Assembly Data Item - the data set required by the assembly house in order to populate the bare board with specified components, in accordance with a Bill of Materials. A unique Item is used for the base (fully populated) design, and each defined variant for the design (assembled variants).

The overall result is the highest-integrity board design release management possible. Not only is your actual design project tightly monitored, backed-up, and managed under the Workspace's native version control, but also too, the releases of its data in a similar manner within the Workspace - robust, safe, secure.

The Project Releaser

The release process itself is performed using Altium Designer's Project Releaser, the user-interface to which is provided courtesy of a dedicated view - the Release view.

The Project Releaser caters for all types of PCB project - unmanaged/non-version-controlled, under external VCS control, or fully  managed through your Workspace (using its built-in version control) - by offering two modes of operation:

  • Online Mode - releasing all generated data to revisions of Items in your Workspace. You don't even have to remember to increment Item Revisions, it is all handled for you.
  • Offline Mode - releasing all generated data into a folder-based structure, which can be optionally wrapped up in a single Zip file.
If your project currently has no Output Job file(s) associated to it, the Project Releaser will detect this, and you will be asked if you wish to create default ones. In addition, the Project Releaser will detect defined variants for your design and create Assembly Data sets for each, ready for release.

With the Release view in Online Mode, the release process is a staged flow, with the entries on the left-hand side of the view showing you at-a-glance, which stage you are currently at:

  1. Configure Server Release - this stage of the release process is where you specify the type(s) of data that you wish to generate (Source Data (always generated), Fabrication Data, Assembly Data (for base design and each detected variant)).
  2. Validate Project - this next stage of the release process is run automatically when one or more Validation-type reports are detected in assigned OutJob file(s). All defined validation output generators, defined in an Output Job file assigned to the data item being released, are run.
  3. Generate Data - this next stage of the release process is run automatically. This is where all other outputs - defined in the OutJob file(s) assigned to the included Data Items - are run, to generate the data to be released into the relevant target items in the Workspace.
  4. Review Data - with all validation checks passed, and output data generated, this stage of the release process allows you to review the generated data.
If you choose to use the Prepare & Release command (from the menu associated to the  button), the Project Releaser will not pause at the Review Data stage.
  1. Upload Data - after confirming the release in the previous stage, this next stage is automatically entered. It simply presents progress of data upload into the revisions of the relevant data Items in the actively connected Workspace.
  2. Execution Report - this is the final stage of the process, providing a summary of the release. Navigation links are provided to quickly browse to the generated Item Revisions in the Explorer panel.
The system naturally prevents any modification of design files between preparing the release and releasing the data to your Workspace. If you do change design files in any way, the release process will terminate, and you will return to the initial stage, prior to release preparation.

With the Project Releaser, you'll be able to generate your manufacturing data with simplified ease, and with the highest integrity. And you'll also be able to survey the fruits of that generation before you commit to finalizing the release (viewing Gerbers/ODB++ data in the CAM Editor for example), ensuring that the data you have generated is exactly the data required to get your board manufactured on time, first time.

A common ready-for-release test used by many designers is to compare the Gerber files generated from the current release with the Gerber files from the previous release. This can be achieved in the Project Releaser once the project has been prepared for release. The comparison is performed through the Altium 365 platform. Your default web browser will open your Company Workspace and display the results. This functionality requires Altium Designer 21.1 or later. For more details, see Gerber Comparison.

Publication of Released Data

For released data generated from a board design project (PCB Fabrication Data, PCB Assembly Data, and PCB Project Design Items only), you have the ability to directly publish that data from your Workspace, or Output Job, to a storage space, such as Box.com, Amazon S3, an FTP server, or a simple folder location on a shared network. In terms of distribution and collaboration, this provides an unparalleled advantage in a world where the collective members of the overall 'product team' - the design team, the manufacturing team and all others involved in the process of getting a product from thought to reality - are often dispersed around the globe.

Publishing is a matter of defining a Publishing Destination and then uploading the released data for the required Item Revision to that destination. From the manufacturing plant in China, to the design teams in Kiev, Stanstead Abbotts, and San Diego, and to the Project Director in-flight somewhere across the Pacific, everyone that needs to know about the new release can be invited with a link to the published folder - shared (and controlled) access to view, discuss, and utilize the data with which to build the Item.

Why not take advantage of superior sharing of release data - through defined Manufacturing Packages - facilitated by the Altium 365 platform's Manufacturing Package Viewer (see the next section).

Global Sharing of Manufacturing Package Data

A key aspect of design projects managed within a Workspace is the ability to create and share a release Build Package with others. When shared directly with your manufacturer it can then be thought of as a Manufacturing Package, since it is the package that the manufacturer can browse, download and use to fabricate and assemble the board.

Supporting the ability to share such a package with others and with your manufacturer (who is typically outside of your organization), the Altium 365 Platform provides a dedicated Manufacturing Package Viewer - an element of the platform's Global Sharing support - which allows others to view a manufacturing package from any web browser - anywhere in the world - but outside of your Workspace, so that your designs themselves, and other valuable IP, are kept off limits.

Each shared user will receive an email invite with a link to view a manufacturing package through the Manufacturing Package Viewer. Shared manufacturing packages are presented on the Shared with Me page of the Altium 365 Platform Interface.

The Manufacturing Package Viewer itself allows key stakeholders - and primarily the manufacturing personnel - to see a summary overview of the design, with key board data. Fabrication, Assembly and BOM data sub-pages of the viewer are also provided, with the Fabrication and Assembly pages utilizing Altium 365’s Web Viewer interface.

Ultimately, the manufacturing personnel can download a Build Package of the release they have viewed - and from any page of the Viewer - with which to get that revision of the board physically realized.

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