Parent page : Schematic Commands
The following pre-packaged resources, derived from this base command, are available:
Create Sheet from Sheet Symbol
Copy Link
Applied Parameters: DocumentKind=Schematic
This command is used to create a new schematic document from a chosen sheet symbol and add ports for each of the sheet entries on that symbol. In this way, you can quickly build up the required structure for your hierarchical schematic designs in top-down fashion. A hierarchical design is one where the structure - or sheet-to-sheet relationships - in the design is represented. This is done with sheet symbols, which represent lower sheets in the design hierarchy. The symbol represents the sheet below, and the sheet entries in it represent (or connect to) the ports on the sheet below. The advantage of the hierarchical design is that it shows the reader the structure of the design and that the connectivity is completely predictable and easily traced since it is always from the child sheet up to the sheet symbol on the parent sheet.
This command is accessed from the Schematic Editor by choosing the Design » Create Sheet From Sheet Symbol command from the main menus.
First, ensure that the schematic document that contains the sheet symbol from which you want to make a sheet is the active document in the main design window.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a crosshair and you will be prompted to choose a sheet symbol. Position the cursor over the sheet symbol then click or press Enter . The schematic document will be created and opened as the active document. The matching ports to the sheet entries on the symbol will be located in the bottom left-hand corner of the new document.
The schematic document that is created takes the sheet symbol file name to be its file name. You can either enter the intended name for the document in the sheet symbol's File Name field, complete with extension (i.e. <DocumentName>.SchDoc ), or leave the name blank and enter the name when saving the document at a later stage.
Care should be taken when creating a sheet from a sheet symbol, and a sheet with that file name already exists. A new sheet with the same file name will be created. The duplication can be resolved when saving by either saving the new sheet with a different name or overwriting the existing sheet if required.
The electrical I/O Types for the created ports on the new child sheet will be the same as those for the sheet entries on the originating parent sheet symbol.