PCB_Dlg-TestpointManagerTestpoint Manager_AD
The Testpoint Manager dialog.
The Testpoint Manager dialog provides controls for fabrication and assembly related testpoint settings .
This dialog is accessed by selecting Tools » Testpoint Manager from the toolbar.
Testpoint Net Status
This region provides a listing of all nets in the design including a status listing for each net which indicates their testpoint coverage. Nets are listed as either Complete or Incomplete for both bare-board fabrication and in-circuit assembly testing. Select individual or multiple nets and assign assembly or fabrication testpoints accordingly, using commands available from the right-click menu. Alternatively, use the available commands from the menu to assign testpoints to all nets or to clear testpoint assignments from selected or all nets.
- Fabrication Testpoints - Click this button to access controls for assigning and clearing fabrication testpoints. These commands are also available in the right-click menu.
- Assembly Testpoints - Click this button to access controls for assigning and clearing assembly testpoints. These commands are also available in the right-click menu.
- Search Order - Click this button to access a definable search order of pad/via object types giving you even finer control over the priority by which such objects are considered when automatically assigning testpoints. Right-click in the list to access controls for moving an entry Up (shortcut: Shift+Up Arrow) or Down (shortcut: Shift + Down Arrow). Click the button again to hide the list.
Status Summary
- Status Summary - Click this link to expand/collapse the Status Summaries region as required. The Status Summaries region provides a full summary of the testpoint status for the board, for both testing modes. This region updates with each assignment or clearance action performed.
Assignment Results
- Assignment Results - Click this link to expand/collapse the Assignment Results region as required. The Assignment Results region gives lower-level detail, for example on the number of top/bottom pads/vias involved in an assignment/clearance.
- Results Frame - This region provides detailed results for each assignment or clearance action performed within the Testpoint Manager dialog. Details can include the number of top/bottom pads/vias involved in an assignment/clearance and also a possible indication of why an assignment failed.