Parent page : PCB Commands
The following pre-packaged resources, derived from this base command, are available:
Show Applicable Unary Rules
Copy Link
Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to determine and display which unary design rules apply to an object that you select in the current document. Unary rules apply to one object, or each object in a set of objects. As a consequence, unary design rules have one rule scope.
This command can be accessed from the PCB Editor by right-clicking over a placed design object in the design workspace (or in free space, over the board shape) and choosing the Applicable Unary Rules command from the context menu.
Use of the command depends on how it is accessed:
Over a placed object - after launching the command, the Applicable Unary Rules dialog will open, displaying all unary design rules that apply to that object.
In free space over the board shape - after launching the command, you will be prompted to select an object in the design. Position the cursor over the required object then click or press Enter . The Applicable Rules dialog will open, displaying all unary design rules that apply to the chosen object.
All defined unary design rules that could be applied to the selected object are analyzed and listed in the dialog.
Each rule listed in the dialog will have either a check ( ) or a cross ( ) next to it. A check indicates the rule with the highest priority out of all applicable rules of the same type – this is the rule currently applied. Lower priority rules of the same type are listed with a cross next to them, indicating that they are applicable but, since they are not the highest priority rule, they are not currently applied. Any rules that would apply to the object but are currently disabled would also have a cross next to them and would appear using strikethrough highlighting.
If, rather than seeing which rules apply to an object, you would prefer to pick a rule and see for which objects that rule applies, this can be achieved from the PCB Rules And Violations panel . As you click on a specific rule in the Rules region of the panel, filtering will be applied using the rule as the scope of the filter. Only those design objects that fall under the scope of the rule will be filtered. By employing the mask highlighting feature, you can quickly see the resulting objects targeted by the rule.