Parent page : PCB Commands
The following pre-packaged resource, derived from this base command, is available:
Stackup Compatibility Report
Copy Link
Applied Parameters: RunReport=True
This command is used to generate a Stackup Compatibility report from the active PCB panel document. This report gives feedback on the layer stackup of each board defined on the panel, as well as the layer stackup defined for the panel itself.
A PCB panel is a PCB document that has one or more placed
Embedded Board Array objects. Each Embedded Board Array references a PCB design that is to be fabricated as part of this single panel.
This command is accessed from the PCB Editor by choosing the Reports » Stackup Compatibility Report command from the main menus.
Note that the command will only be available on the menu if there is at least one embedded board array placed on the PCB document.
After launching the command, a report - Embedded Boards Stackup Compatibility - <PCBDocumentName>.html - is generated and opened as the active document in the design workspace. Where incompatibilities exist, the report provides a summary of how many incompatible layers have been found within the embedded boards placed on the panel document. A compatibility table is also presented, which visually displays the stacks of the embedded boards and the panel itself. Any incompatible layers are highlighted with red text.
The table also provides hyperlinks to open the Layer Stack Manager for each PCB (and the panel), so you can examine the stackups and determine how to resolve the incompatibilites. Clicking one of these links will first make the corresponding PCB document the active document then open the Layer Stack Manager .
The report is also generated in .txt format. Both report formats are stored in the folder specified by the Output Path entry on the Options tab of the Options for Project dialog. Only the HTML-formatted report is added to the parent project in the Projects panel , and can be found in the Generated\Documents sub-folder.
If you attempt to generate Gerber or ODB++ fabrication output, and stackup incompatibilities exist, a warning dialog will appear alerting you to this fact. You can either continue to generate the required output, or you can view the Stackup Compatibility report - which will be generated if it does not already exist. The Gerber Setup dialog and ODB++ Setup dialog also detail any stackup compatibility issues with offending layers displayed in red text.