Parent page : PCB Commands
The following pre-packaged resources, derived from this base command, are available:
Create Net Class from Selected Nets
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Applied Parameters: Object=Net|ContextObject=Net|Action=CreateFromSelectedNets
This command is used to create a new Net Class from two or more selected Nets in the design workspace. A Net Class is a logical collection of Nets that can be used as the basis for creating a targeted design rule.
With the required nets (or rather objects in those nets) selected in the workspace, this command can be accessed from the PCB Editor by:
Choosing the Design » Netlist » Create NetClass from Selected Nets command from the main menus.
Right-clicking over one of the net objects in the selection, and choosing the Net Actions » Create NetClass from Selected Nets command from the context menu.
First, ensure that objects associated with the required nets are selected in the main design workspace.
After launching the command, the Object Class Name dialog will open. Use this to specify the required name for the new Net Class. After clicking OK , the Net Class will be created and the selected nets will be added as members.
You can verify creation from:
The PCB panel, when configured in its Nets mode - the new class will be evident in the Net Classes region. Click on the class's entry to browse the member nets in the Nets region of the panel.
The Object Class Explorer dialog - the new class will be evident under the Net Classes folder. Click on the entry to browse the member nets in the Members region of the dialog.
The easiest and quickest way to select nets (or rather the objects thereof) in the design workspace is to use the PCB panel configured in its Nets mode. Choose <All Nets> in the Net Classes region then select the required net(s) in the Nets region. Filtering is applied to the design workspace, leaving just those electrical objects associated with the chosen net(s) selected (make sure the Select option is enabled on the panel and also that the highlighting mode is either set to Mask or Dim ). This makes it especially easier to distinguish the objects if using the right-click method of access.