Parent page : PCB Commands
The following pre-packaged resource, derived from this base command, is available:
Edit Board Shape
Copy Link
Applied Parameters: Object=BoardOutlineVertices
This command enables you to manually change the board shape for the current document.
This command can be accessed from the PCB Editor when configured in Board Planning Mode by choosing the Design » Edit Board Shape command from the main menus.
The current viewing mode for the PCB document can be changed using the corresponding commands from the main View menu. To switch to Board Planning Mode, use the command of the same name or use the 1 keyboard shortcut.
After launching the command, the existing board shape will turn green. The outer shape is defined by a series of edges, where each edge is represented by an end vertex shown as a solid white square, and a center vertex shown as a hollow white square. Each end vertex represents the location where two edges meet.
Editing handles for an example board shape after entering edit mode.
Click and drag A to perform one of the following depending on the current mode (use Shift+Spacebar to change modes):
Moving Vertex mode - freely move the end vertex, maintaining it as an end vertex.
Miter to Segment mode - creates a new straight edge with the moving end vertex becoming the center vertex for that edge.
Miter to Arc mode - creates a new curved edge with the moving end vertex becoming the center vertex for that edge.
Click and drag B to perform one of the following depending on the current mode (use Shift+Spacebar to change modes):
Move mode - freely move the entire edge, including its end vertices. The moved center vertex remains the center vertex for that edge.
Break mode - move the center vertex, turning it into a new end vertex and splitting the original edge into two. The end vertices remain fixed at their original locations.
Incurvate mode - add curvature to the edge, with the end vertices fixed at their original locations. The moved center vertex remains the center vertex for that edge.
Click anywhere along an edge away from editing handles and drag to slide that edge - shrinking or growing the moving edge to maintain the position of adjoining edges.
Ctrl +click anywhere along an edge away from editing handles to insert a new end vertex.
Click and hold on an end vertex (A ) then press Delete to remove that vertex. Alternatively, hold Ctrl and hover the mouse over an end vertex (A ) to be removed. A white cross will appear. Click and hold momentarily to remove the vertex.
Exit editing mode by clicking anywhere in the workspace (on or away from the board shape).
As you move a vertex around, green alignment guides will appear. These appear at useful locations, for example, when the vertex location will result in the new edge aligning with an existing edge or when an arc chord aligns with the adjacent edge. There is a slight stickiness when the guidelines appear, making it easy to maintain that vertex position. If required during vertex movement, guidelines can be disabled by holding Shift .
The default snap grid will be extended/contracted in order to fill the area defined by the bounding rectangle of the board shape.