Draftsman Enhancements (New Feature Summary)
This document is no longer available beyond version 20. Information can now be found using the following links:
This release includes the following improvements and enhancements for Draftsman documents.
Added the Ability to Export in DXF Format
Draftsman documents now can be exported in .dxf format using the File » Export to Dxf command from the main menus. This allows exporting Draftsman documents in a vectorial format.
The Columns region for a Draftsman Drill Table object is now a separate tab in the Properties panel. Click in the Horizontal column until the desired horizontal alignment for the text in the drill table is displayed in the cell (left, center, right). Click in the Vertical column until the desired vertical alignment for the text in the drill table is displayed in the cell (top, center, bottom). Use the new Move Left and Move Right buttons to move the selected column left or right one column at a time in the drill table itself, and up or down one level in the sort order priority. Use the Order column to sort the drill table by column.
Added Row Height for a Table Object
Added the capability to specify the Row Height in a custom table object.
Added Order Option for Note Objects
Added an Order option to Note objects. This allows Note item numbers to flow from one Note box to the next. Use the drop-down to select Over, then down, or Down, then over.
Renamed Copper Plating to Surface Finish
Copper Plating has been renamed Surface Finish in the Layer Stack Legend.