Adding Users & Roles to Altium Concord Pro

Now reading version 4.1. For the latest, read: Adding Users & Roles to Altium Concord Pro for version 5.0

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Parent page: Configuration

User Management for Concord Pro is performed by an Administrator through the Admin area of the server's browser interface. This provides the interface to the Identity Service (IDS), with which to define Concord Pro Server (and other service) access, through specification of Users and Roles.

User management is performed by an Administrator through the Admin area of Concord Pro's browser interface.User management is performed by an Administrator through the Admin area of Concord Pro's browser interface.

Controls are spread over the following sub-pages:

  • Users - use this page to create and manage a list of users; people who are to have access to Concord Pro and/or the associated technologies installed with it.
  • Roles - use this page to create and manage a list of roles; roles allow you to further organize your users according to, for example, the particular section of the organization in which they are involved, or the design team they are in. Roles also make the sharing of Concord Pro content and the configuration of other Concord Pro-served technologies, more streamlined.
  • Sessions - use this page to quickly assess which of your users are currently signed into Concord Pro. Provision is made for an administrator to terminate a users' access to Concord Pro by effectively 'killing' their active session, thereby freeing connections to Concord Pro for use by others.
  • LDAP Sync - use this page to configure and run an LDAP Sync task. This allows the administrator of your Concord Pro installation to leverage the network domain’s existing username and password credentials, so that user credentials do not have to be created manually one at a time on the Users page. When setup correctly the Users page will automatically populate with user credentials, enabling any user listed to sign into Concord Pro using their regular corporate network username and password.
Only an administrative user has full access to management controls. A non-administrative cannot see the listing of users or roles, but they are able to change the profile of their own user through the Edit User window. Access this window by clicking on the active user area at the top-right of the browser interface and then choosing Profile from the associated menu.


Management of users for access to Concord Pro and related services is performed from the Users page (Admin - Users), by an administrator of that Concord Pro installation. A user is simply a person who it is intended will need access to Concord Pro.

Two administrative users are provided with a new Concord Pro installation - admin and System. The former, which is visible from the Users page, allows you to quickly get access to Concord Pro as an administrator. Once you have added other users, you can keep and edit the admin user (change its name and password for example), or delete it. The System user, which is not visible from the Users page, is used for all background tasks (including LDAP Sync and Notifications). This user is permanently online. It does not, however, use a connector license.

Create a 'database' of people who are to have access to Altium Concord Pro, from the Users page of the browser interface.Create a 'database' of people who are to have access to Altium Concord Pro, from the Users page of the browser interface.

All defined users are presented in a flat listing.

Within the main listing, each user is displayed in terms of the following information:

  • User - the name of the user (<First Name> <Last Name>).
An accompanying icon for the user will also be presented, including the first letter of their forename (e.g. ). An image can be uploaded while editing the information for an existing user, replacing the default icon. This could be the user's actual photo, so that other users can quickly put a face to a name (e.g. ). For the default admin user, the following image is used: .
  • Email - the user's email address.
  • Role - the role(s) of which the user is currently a member.

A user that is currently accessing Concord Pro is distinguished by a green dot (e.g. ). An active session can be 'dropped' if needed (without removing the user from the server). This is performed from the Sessions page.

Click the  button and choose to Sort by Name (by first name) or Sort by Email. In addition, you can search for a user by their name (User field) using the dedicated Search field at the top-left.

The Edit ( ) and Remove ( ) buttons at the top-right of the listing (and also available from the menu associated to the  control for a user) enable you to edit the details for that user, or to remove them (preventing access to Concord Pro) respectively.

A user can change the profile of their own user through the Edit User window. Access this window by clicking on the active user area at the top-right of the browser interface and then choosing Profile from the associated menu. This is the only way for a non-administrative user to perform changes.

Any number of users may be registered to access and use Concord Pro, but only a licensed number will be allowed to connect to it simultaneously. This number is determined by the seats of the purchased Client Access Licensing.

Adding a New User

To add a new user for Concord Pro access, click on the  button, located at the top-left of the page. The Create User window will appear with which to specify the contact details, login credentials, and additional role membership for that user.

When you click to add a new user you will be presented with a window in which to specify that user and their role membership.When you click to add a new user you will be presented with a window in which to specify that user and their role membership.

Specify details for the user. The following are required fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Username
  • Password

The Username and Password become that user's login credentials for access to Concord Pro.

You will be prevented from trying to add another user with the same Username as an existing user.

Once all details are filled out and specified as required, click the  button - the new user will be created and added to the list of users with access to Concord Pro.

An example new user added to the list of users who can access Concord Pro.An example new user added to the list of users who can access Concord Pro.


When using Build In authentication, the access credentials for a new user need to be defined initially by an administrative user, since a non-administrative user cannot add new users (and therefore themselves). However once added, a non-administrative user can access and change their own details - including Username and Password - at any stage. This allows non-admins to securely register their own access credentials without sharing their password with anyone else, including an administrative user.

A non-administrative user is able to change the profile of their own user through the Edit User window. Access this window by clicking on the active user area at the top-right of the browser interface and then choosing Profile from the associated menu.

Of course if a non-administrative user forgets their password, they will not be able to sign in through the browser interface to access and change it! In this case, they will need to notify an Admin to effectively 'reset' their password for them. This simply involves the administrator:

  • Accessing the details for the user and entering a new password in the Password field.
  • Clicking  to effect the change.
  • Communicating the new password back to that user.

The non-administrative user can then access their user and switch out this new, temporary password, with another one of their own creation.

Under Windows Domain Authentication, Password maintenance (and issues) are handled by your Windows Network Administrator.

Editing an Existing User

You can edit an existing user by:

  • Selecting that user and clicking the Edit ( ) button at the top-right of the listing.
  • Selecting that user, clicking the  control to the far right, then choosing the Edit command from the associated menu.

The Edit User window will appear, from where you can make changes to the contact details for that user, their login credentials, and role assignment as required. You can also upload a photo for the user, which will replace the default icon (click the  control). If a photo already exists, click on it to modify.

For a non-administrative user, access to the Edit User window is made by clicking on the active user area at the top-right of the browser interface and then choosing Profile from the associated menu.

Access and make changes to a user as required.Access and make changes to a user as required.

To remove the user from a particular role in which they are currently a member, click the  control for that existing role.

When all modifications have been made as required, click the  button to effect those changes.

Removing a User

You can remove an existing user from Concord Pro by:

  • Selecting that user and clicking the Remove ( ) button at the top-right of the listing.
  • Selecting that user, clicking the  control to the far right, then choosing the Remove command from the associated menu.

A dialog will appear asking for confirmation to proceed with the deletion. Click  to proceed, after which the user will be removed from Concord Pro's user database. They will no longer have access to Concord Pro.

The current user cannot remove themselves. The remove operation cannot be undone. If you remove a user by mistake you will need to add that user back, in the same way that you would add any new user.


Management of roles for Concord Pro is performed from the Roles page (Admin - Roles), by an administrator of that Concord Pro installation. Roles allow you to further organize your users according to, for example, the particular section of the organization in which they are involved, or the design team they are in. Roles also make the sharing of Concord Pro content and the configuration of other Concord Pro-served technologies, more streamlined.

Several sample roles are defined for a Concord Pro installation. This includes the role Administrators. This role gives administrative privileges to its members. Anyone who is a member of this role has complete access to Concord Pro and all associated technologies and services through the browser interface.
The same user can be a member of any number of defined roles.

Create specific roles (or 'memberships') of users from the Roles page of the browser interface.Create specific roles (or 'memberships') of users from the Roles page of the browser interface.

All defined roles are presented in a flat listing.

Within the main listing, each role is displayed in terms of the following information:

  • Roles - the name of the role.
  • Members - how many defined users are part of this role.

The Edit ( ) and Remove ( ) buttons at the top-right of the listing (and also available from the menu associated to the  control for a role) enable you to edit the selected role, or to remove it, respectively. The Administrators role cannot be removed.

Click the  button and choose to Sort by Role, or Sort by Members. In addition, you can search for a role by name (Roles field) using the dedicated Search field at the top-left.

Adding a New Role

To add a new role, click on the  button, located at the top-left of the page. The Create Role window will appear with which to define the role, in terms of its name and members.

When you click to add a new role you will be presented with a window in which to specify that role and its members.When you click to add a new role you will be presented with a window in which to specify that role and its members.

Use the Role Name field to enter a meaningful name for the new role. For example this may be a name that is reflective of the task performed by its members. This is a required field.

You will be prevented from trying to create two roles with the same name.

You can also specify constituent users for the role (its members). Start typing the full name, username, or email address of a user in the Add Members field, to pop-up a list of matching users. Select the required user from this list. Multiple users can be chosen as members of the role. Assigned users will appear in an Existing Members region, once the role has been created. To remove a user prior to final membership click the delete cross, to the far right of their name.

Role membership may be specified at any stage but if users exist, it can be easier to do this at the time of role creation.

With name and members defined as required, click  to effect creation of the role. The role will now be available in the list of roles for use in applicable areas elsewhere in Concord Pro's browser interface. For example when adding/editing a user, or sharing permissions for access to shareable data within the server.

An example new role added to the list of roles available for Concord Pro.An example new role added to the list of roles available for Concord Pro.

Editing an Existing Role

You can edit an existing role by:

  • Selecting that role and clicking the Edit ( ) button at the top-right of the listing.
  • Selecting that role, clicking the  control to the far right, then choosing the Edit command from the associated menu.

The Edit Role window will appear, from where you can make any changes to the role's name and/or user membership as required.

The Administrators role cannot have its name changed. You can however manage members for this role, as with any other user-created role.

Access and make changes to a role as required.Access and make changes to a role as required.

To remove an existing user from the role, select their entry then click the  control at the far right.

When all modifications have been made as required, click the  button to effect those changes.

Removing a Role

You can remove an existing role from Concord Pro by:

  • Selecting that role and clicking the Remove ( ) button at the top-right of the listing.
  • Selecting that role, clicking the  control to the far right, then choosing the Remove command from the associated menu.

A dialog will appear asking for confirmation to proceed with the deletion. Click  to proceed, after which the role will be removed from the server.

The Administrators role cannot be removed. The remove operation cannot be undone. If you remove a role by mistake you will need to add that role back, in the same way that you would create any new role.


Altium Concord Pro supports users signing into it using the same credentials, but from different computers. If you have an abundance of Concord Pro Client Access Licenses (CAL) remaining this will not be a problem. But if you have a limited number of connections you can't afford to have them 'in use' if they are not, in reality, being used. Similarly, if you have more users requiring access to Concord Pro than there are Client Access Licenses. An administrator for Concord Pro has the power to logout any user that is currently signed into the server. This enables licensed Concord Pro connections to be 'freed up' as it were for assignment to other users, should the route of purchasing additional licensed connections not be viable. This is performed from the Sessions page (Admin - Sessions) of the browser interface.

As an Administrator for your Concord Pro installation you have the ability to not only view active Concord Pro connections, but also the ability to terminate a session for any user currently signed into that server.As an Administrator for your Concord Pro installation you have the ability to not only view active Concord Pro connections, but also the ability to terminate a session for any user currently signed into that server.

All users that are currently signed into Concord Pro - either through an instance of Altium Designer or through Concord Pro's browser interface - are listed, in terms of their name (<First Name> <Last Name>) and Identity Address (reflecting the IP address of the computer from which a connection to Concord Pro is being made).

If a user is logged into Concord Pro from the same computer upon which that Concord Pro instance is installed and running, the Identity Address entry will appear as ::1.

The act of being signed into Concord Pro creates an 'active session'. You can terminate a user's session - logging them out of Concord Pro - by:

  • Selecting that user and clicking the  button at the top-right of the listing.
  • Selecting that user, then clicking the  control to the far right.

A dialog will appear asking for confirmation to drop the session. Click  to proceed, after which the user will be logged out from Concord Pro on all devices and browsers.

You can also drop your own session - the session that has you logged into Concord Pro's browser interface. If you do, you will be signed out of the interface moments later.


Related page: Configuring LDAP Sync

This page (Admin - LDAP Sync) allows you to configure and run one or more LDAP Sync tasks. An LDAP Sync task allows an administrator of Concord Pro to leverage the network domain’s existing username and password credentials, so that user credentials do not have to be created manually one at a time on the Users page of the interface. When setup correctly the Users page will automatically populate with user credentials, enabling any user listed to sign into Concord Pro using their regular corporate network username and password.

When signing in to Concord Pro, to use your Windows login credentials - taking advantage of Concord Pro's support for Windows Authentication - enable the Use Windows Session option (browser interface), or Use Windows Session credentials option (Sign in dialog in Altium Designer).
Concord Pro supports both Standard LDAP and LDAPS (LDAP over SSL).
If you are intending to create user credentials from LDAP automatically, then you probably want to remove any existing manually-created users. So ideally just start with the default user - admin.

To add a new sync task click on the  button, located at the top-left of the page. The LDAP Sync Creation window will appear with which to define the sync task.

Adding an LDAP Sync Task through Concord Pro's browser interface.Adding an LDAP Sync Task through Concord Pro's browser interface.

Fill in the information, based on the domain structure in effect within your company.

For a detailed example of configuring an LDAP Sync task, see Configuring LDAP Sync with Altium Concord Pro.

When you have completed entering all settings, click . This will initiate the Sync process, which may take a minute or two, as it processes the information you have entered. Once complete, access the Users page. This will be populated with all users as defined by the OU=<GroupName> setting in the sync task. Authentication for each user will be Windows Domain Authentication, so all of those users can sign into Concord Pro using their regular Windows login.

If you have multiple sync tasks defined, these can be run by clicking the  button.

Example population of users for a Concord Pro installation through use of an LDAP Sync task.Example population of users for a Concord Pro installation through use of an LDAP Sync task.

Additional users can be manually added outside of the LDAP Sync group - so you can indeed have a mixture of manually created users, as well as LDAP-specified (automatically created) users.


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