Configuring PCB Arc Object Properties in Altium NEXUS
Created: 9月 24, 2019 | Updated: 4月 10, 2021
| Applies to versions: 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2
現在、バージョン 3.2. をご覧頂いています。最新情報については、バージョン Configuring PCB Arc Object Properties in Altium NEXUS の 4 をご覧ください。
Parent page: Arc
PCB Editor object properties are definable options that specify the visual style, content, and behavior of the placed object. The property settings for each type of object are defined in two different ways:
- Pre-placement settings – most Arc object properties, or those that can logically be pre-defined, are available as editable default settings on the PCB Editor - Defaults page of the Preferences dialog (access from the button at the top-right of the design space). Select the object in the Primitive List to reveal its options on the right.
- Post-placement settings – all Arc object properties are available for editing in the Arc dialog and the Properties panel when a placed Arc is selected in the design space.
Net Information (Properties panel only)
- Net Name - the name of the selected net.
- Net Class - the name of the selected net class.
- Total
- Length - the total Signal Length. The Signal Length is the accurate calculation of the total node-to-node distance. Placed objects are analyzed to: resolve stacked or overlapping objects and wandering paths within pads; and via lengths are included. The Pin Package Length is also included if it has been defined for the pad(s). If the net is not completely routed, the Manhattan (X + Y) length of the connection line is also included. For more information regarding Signal Length and its applications, see the PCB - Nets page.
- Delay - the delay of the routed segments of the Total Length. Includes the Pad and Via Propagation Delay values, if they have been defined for the pads and vias.
- Selected
- Length - the total length sum of the selected object(s).
- Delay - the total delay of the selected object(s). Includes selected Pad and Via Propagation Delay values if they have been defined for the pads and vias.
Location (Properties panel only)
- (X/Y)
- X (first field) - this field shows the current X position of the center of the arc relative to the current origin. Edit the value in the field to change the position of the arc relative to the current origin. The value can be entered in either metric or imperial; include the units when entering a value whose units are not the current default. Default units (metric or imperial) are determined by the Units setting in the Other region of the Properties panel in Board mode (accessed when no objects are selected in the design space) and are used if the unit is not specified.
- Y (second field) - this field shows the current Y position of the center of the arc relative to the current origin. Edit the value in the field to change the position of the arc relative to the current origin. The value can be entered in either metric or imperial; include the units when entering a value whose units are not the current default. Default units (metric or imperial) are determined by the Units setting in the Other region of the Properties panel in Board mode (accessed when no objects are selected in the design space) and are used if the unit is not specified.
- Net - use to choose a net for the arc. All nets for the active board design will be listed in the drop-down list. Note that if object placement commences at the same location as an existing object that is already connected to a net, then the Net property of the new object is automatically assigned to that net. Select No Net to specify that the arc is not connected to any net. The Net property of a primitive is used by the Design Rule Checker to determine if a PCB object is legally placed. Alternatively, you can click on the Assign Net icon () to choose an object in the design space - the net of that object will be assigned to selected arc(s).
- Layer - this field displays the layer to which the arc is currently assigned. Arcs can be assigned to any available layer. To change the assigned layer, click the field and select a layer from the drop-down list.
- Width - this field displays the width of the arc line. Enter a different value for the width if required.
- Radius - this field displays the radius of the arc measured from the center point to the center of the arc line. Enter a different value for the radius if required.
- Start Angle - this field displays the start angle of the arc measured from the X-axis in the first quadrant (plane geometry). Enter a different value for the start angle if required.
- End Angle - this field displays the end angle of the arc. Enter a different value for the end angle if required.
- Propagation Delay - this field displays the time it takes for a signal to propagate along that route.
Paste Mask Expansion
- Rule - select to have the paste mask expansion for the arc follow the defined value in the applicable Paste Mask Expansion design rule. The associated expansion value will be disabled if this option is chosen.
- Manual - select to override the applicable design rule and specify the paste mask expansion value for the arc in the field below.
Solder Mask Expansion
- Rule - select the checkbox to have the solder mask expansion for the arc follow the defined value in the applicable Solder Mask Expansion design rule. The associated expansion value will be disabled if this option is chosen.
- Manual - select the checkbox to override the applicable design rule and specify the solder mask expansion value for the arc in the field below.