Applied Parameters: ObjectKind=FocusedDocument
This command is used to access the Document Options dialog for the active BOM Document, from where you can configure parameters that can be used to differentiate components in a design that share a common Design Item ID. Many designers still employ old-style component methodologies. For passive components (resistors, capacitors, inductors), it is common to see libraries of schematic components, where those components share a common symbol, but when placed on the schematic, are given different values parametrically. So a group of capacitors might share the one symbol, and therefore have the same Design Item ID, but through a differentiating parameter typically their Comment field - they are given different values of capacitance, and are therefore unique - in terms of distinct physical components that are required when the board is manufactured and assembled.
A BOM document is the user interface to Altium Designer's
ActiveBOM system. ActiveBOM offers a live presentation of the design from the outset, providing early and ongoing cost estimation. It allows you to define target pricing at the individual item level. You can then track how actual costing fares against these estimates, and so give a timely flag if any cost blow-outs are on the near horizon! In addition, you can quickly assess item availability, complete with notification if there is a risk in the supply of a chosen part. For a high-level walkthrough of the system, see
This command is accessed from the BOM Editor, by choosing the Design » Document Options command, from the main menus.
First, ensure that the BOM document (*.BomDoc) for the project is open as the active document in the main design window
After launching the command, the Document Options dialog will appear. Use the dialog to define a set of parameters that can be used by ActiveBOM to compare, detect, and separate common unmanaged component (non-vault or DBLib-based) design items. Controls are available to add new parameters to the list, edit existing parameters, or remove parameters, as required. For each parameter, use its associated Parameter State field to specify whether it is included as a variable for differentiation (Check) or excluded (Ignore).
Comment, Value, Description, and Footprint parameters are added to the differentiation list by default. In the majority of cases, it is one (or a combination) of these parameters that is used to distinguish components that share the same core schematic symbol (and therefore same Design Item ID).
With the required parameters specified, click OK. Any ambiguous components will be 're-assessed' for uniqueness based on the parameters enabled for checking. The BOM Catalog tab will be refreshed and the results presented. If components were able to be successfully differentiated, based on the supplied parameters, they will be listed as their own distinct entries, and their status will change to Up to Date. If differentiation could not be proven, the condensed component entry will remain, along with the status Ambiguous Component. In this case, add another parameter through the Document Options dialog, that differs between the affected components.
Once ambiguity is resolved, you can proceed to define separate and distinct supply chain solutions for the components.
- Within the BOM Catalog tab of the BOM Document, the Status Ambiguous Component is used to reflect the situation where multiple components exist in the design with the same Design Item ID, but differ in their parametric information.
- The default Comment, Value, and Description parameters are all set for inclusion in the checking, while Footprint is set to be ignored. For the most part, discrete components will vary in comment and/or value and/or description, therefore footprint checking isn't essential. However, the presence of the Footprint parameter for differentiation caters for the situation where discrete components, such as two resistors, might have the same value and description, but be available in two different packages (e.g. 0402 vs 0603). In this case, simply switch the Parameter State from Ignore to Check.