Parent page: Altium Vault - Details for IT Departments
The Altium Vault provides a Command Line tool to cater for the following aspects of Vault Configuration:
User Management - allowing the Altium Vault to be preloaded with bulk user and role configurations derived from company systems or records, thereby avoiding a need to individually create the entries through the Vault's browser-based interface. The tool supports the import Vault Users, Roles, and user-role membership data from standard comma-delimited *.csv files.
Part Choice Indexing - allowing you to manually perform a re-indexing of the Part Choices for your Vault components, sourced through user-defined Part Sources (connections to local parts databases).
Part choice re-indexing can be setup to occur automatically. Configure this using the
Indexing part choices every field, when defining a custom database part source. Part sources are defined by a Vault administrator on the
ADMIN » PART PROVIDERS ) of the Vault's browser interface. For more information, see
Configuring a Custom Database Part Source .
The tool - avconfiguration.exe
- is included with your Altium Vault installation and can be found in the \Program Files (x86)\Altium\Altium Vault\Tools\VaultConfigurationTool folder.
To use the tool:
Launch a Windows Command Prompt.
Navigate to the correct folder. For a default installation on C drive of the host computer, this will be: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Altium\Altium Vault\Tools\VaultConfigurationTool\
To run the tool and list the available options, at the prompt type: avconfiguration ?
While it is not possible to paste into a Command Prompt using Ctrl+V , you can paste via the right-click menu. Copy the required strings first, then paste using this technique to save time and avoid mistakes.
Accessing the configuration tool through a Command Prompt.
Note the ?
, including this displays help on the functions available in the configuration tool:
- import Users and Roles.
- Part Choice indexing.
- display the help screen (? can be used instead of the string help ).
Usermanagement Syntax and Switches
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The following switches are available when using the usermanagement function of the tool:
avconfiguration usermanagement [-help | params [options]]
where, available params are:
--url - required. Address and port of target Altium Vault.
--user - required. User Name portion of a Vault user's access credentials.
--password - required. Password portion of a Vault user's access credentials (case sensitive).
--roles - filename of the file containing roles to import.
--users - filename of the file containing users to import.
--memberships - filename of the file containing users memberships to import.
The default search path for the input data files is the current directory (where the avconfiguration.exe file resides). If a data file is not located in the current directory, the path to the data file needs to be included.
Available options are:
-d - delete users and roles not listed in the supplied files. All existing users and roles in the Vault, and which are not listed in the supplied files, will be deleted (with the exception of the System and admin users, and the Administrators role).
-o - overwrite existing data. If a user exists in the Vault, and is also part of a file being imported, then the information in the Vault will be overwritten with that in the imported file.
By typing just avconfiguration usermanagement , these switches will be listed as a helpful aid.
Switches available when using the tool in usermanagement mode.
Usermanagement Example
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The following entry will import users, roles, and user-role memberships, as defined in the example files included in the installation directory (users.csv , roles.csv , and memberships.csv ). Existing user data will be overwritten where a matching user is defined in the users.csv file. In addition, all other existing Vault users and roles that are not defined in the users.csv and roles.csv files, will be deleted.
avconfiguration usermanagement --url=http://localhost:9780 --user=admin --password=admin --roles=roles.csv --users=users.csv --memberships=memberships.csv -d -o
Note that language-specific characters (such as umlauts, graves etc) are not supported.
The tool will parse the file data for validity before importing the contents into the Vault, and also display import success/failure messages for each proccessed file as the tool runs.
The result of running the example configuration-usermanagement command.
Example CSV Files
An example of each recognized *.csv
file in included in the tool's directory (\Program Files (x86)\Altium\Altium Vault\Tools\VaultConfigurationTool ). The content descriptions of each file type, and any requirements, are shown below.
Contains User profiles data.
Field name
First name
Required (must be at least one character)
Last name
Required (must be at least one character)
User name
User password
Required for 'Built In' Authentication mode
Phone number
Required: Type of Authentication; 0 for 'Built In' Authentication, 1 for 'Windows' (Domain) Authentication
Email address
Domain name
Required for 'Windows' Authentication mode.
Each user must be defined on a new line of the file.
No entries will be imported into the Vault if data for any of the Required fields are missing in the users.csv
User entries will not be imported if there is an error in the data, such as a Domain included when the AUTHTYPE is incorrectly set at 0 ('Built In').
All fields must present in the CSV file, separated by a comma. The data for non-required fields should be blank (e.g. field1,,field2,... ).
Contains Role data.
Field name
Name of Role (must be at least one character)
Each role must be defined on a new line of the file.
Contains User Role membership data (that is, which users are members of which Roles)
Field name
Role name
User name
Each user-role membership definition must be defined on a new line of the file.
Fields must be separated by a comma.
Invalid USERNAME–ROLENAME matches will fail, but not prevent valid matches from being imported.
Suppliers Syntax and Switches
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The following switches are available when using the suppliers function of the tool:
avconfiguration suppliers [-help | params]
where, available params are:
--url - required. Address and port of target Altium Vault.
--user - required. User Name portion of a Vault user's access credentials.
--passwordMD5 - required. Password portion of a Vault user's access credentials, as an MD5 hash value.
--reindexPartChoice - required. Supplier name(s) to start part choice indexing. This is the name of the user-defined custom database Part Source that has been configured to connect to a local company parts database. Separate multiple Suppliers (Part Sources) using a comma. Note that because the comma character is used as a separator, it cannot be used within a Part Source name.
By typing just avconfiguration suppliers , these switches will be listed as a helpful aid.
Switches available when using the tool in suppliers mode.
An example entry might be:
avconfiguration suppliers --url=http://localhost:9780 --user=admin --passwordMD5=21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 --reindexPartChoice=MySQLODBC,MsSQL