Tasklist Panel
The Tasklist panel lists all Tasks and Activities assigned to the currently signed-in user.
The Tasklist panel presents all assigned workflow process Tasks and Activities. Note that the panel displays only Tasks and Activities assigned to the user that is . All information on this page relates to the signed-in user. currently signed in to a NEXUS Server
Panel Access
The Tasklist panel is accessible by clicking Panels on the bottom right-hand side of the editor then selecting Tasklist or by clicking View » Panels » Tasklist from the main menus.
The upper region of the panel lists all workflow process Tasks assigned to this user. A Task appears in the panel when a workflow process, such as a design review or a new part request, has been created and there is an outstanding task in that workflow process assigned to the current user.
Click once on a Task in the list to open the Form that has been created for that Task. Below shows an example of a New Part request task assigned to the current user.
User Form for a New Part request that was created during a part
search in the Part Search panel and assigned to the PCB librarian.
In the image above, once the assigned user has completed their work, they select the appropriate option from the Next Step drop-down then click the Submit button. Once that has been done, that Task will disappear from their Tasklist.
- click the Refresh button to update the Tasklist.
The Activities region of the panel lists the Activities, or workflows, that the current user has initiated. It does not mean that the current user is required to complete a Task as part of that workflow; it simply reflects the workflows that this user has created.
Click on an Activity to open an information dialog about that activity. The dialog includes tabs that show the workflow Diagram and the Data associated with the Task. The diagram will include a blue icon that indicates which task the workflow process is currently up to;hover the cursor over the icon to see for which designer(s) the task is waiting.
The diagram for a workflow launched by the signed-in user. The blue icon indicates which task the workflow process is currently up to and for whom it is waiting.
- click the Settings button to configure which types of Activities (workflows) are currently shown. The choices include Project Activities (such as design reviews) and Part Requests. If the Show Closed option is enabled, only closed (completed) workflow activities are listed.