Setting Global Operation Permissions for a Workspace


The features available depend on your Altium product access level. Compare features included in the various levels of Altium Designer Software Subscription and functionality delivered through applications provided by the Altium 365 platform.

If you don’t see a discussed feature in your software, contact Altium Sales to find out more.

The connected Workspace used to store your design content facilitates the definition and management of global operation permissions for the Workspace. Accessible by Workspace Administrators only, permissions across the spectrum of day-to-day global-level Workspace operations can be set up for all Workspace users in one convenient location. So while Administrators continue to enjoy full permissions for all types of operations, they can quickly configure permissions for collaborators, owners, specific groups, and specific users.

This feature relates to global-level Workspace operations only. It complements but does not control access permissions at the folder, Item, and Item Revision levels. For more information on these areas of permissions, see Controlling Access to Workspace Content.

Access Copy Link Copied

Permissions are defined and managed from within Altium Designer, using the Edit Operation Permissions dialog. Access to this dialog is made from the Data Management – Servers page of the Preferences dialog. For the active Workspace whose permissions you wish to browse/modify, click the Properties control at the right-hand side, and choose the Operations command from the associated menu.

The Operations command is also available from the Workspace listing's right-click Properties menu.

Setup global operating permissions for your connected Workspace through the Edit Operation Permissions dialog – accessed as part of your Altium Designer preferences.
Setup global operating permissions for your connected Workspace through the Edit Operation Permissions dialog – accessed as part of your Altium Designer preferences.

Managing Operational Permissions Copy Link Copied

Permissions for Workspace operations can be assigned to the following entities (where applicable):

  •   Administrators (itself a defined group).
  •   Collaborator (this is a user who has edit rights for an Item/Revision).
  •   Owner (for released data, this is the person who created the initial Item).
  •   Specific user-defined group.
  •   Specific user.
Management of users, as well as defined groups, is performed using the Workspace's browser-based interface. This can be done from an external browser. For detailed information, read about Managing your Workspace Membership (Altium 365 Workspace, Enterprise Server Workspace).

To add a new entity (assign permissions) for a particular Workspace operation:

  1. Select the operation in the left-hand region of the dialog.
  2. Click the Add button, and choose the required entity from the associated menu.
When adding a specific user (Add User) or group (Add Role), use the relevant dialog – Search for Users or Search for Role – to search for the required entity from all those currently defined for the Workspace. A user will be listed in terms of their UserName and Email (if defined). If the user added is actually you (by virtue of being signed into the Workspace), the suffix - You will be added.

To remove an entity (remove permissions) for a particular Workspace operation:

  1. Select the operation in the left-hand region of the dialog.
  2. Select the entity in the right-hand region of the dialog.
  3. Click the Remove button.
The Administrators group cannot be removed from any operation – Administrators always have full access rights and permissions.
Add and Remove controls can also be found on the right-click context menus for both regions of the dialog.

Example permissions defined for the operation involving release into a Workspace Component.
Example permissions defined for the operation involving release into a Workspace Component.

  • Note that while permission lists are dynamically updated as you add and/or remove entities, changes made will not take effect until the Apply or OK buttons are clicked. If you click Cancel, all changes made since entering the dialog will be lost.

  • The Task management entry relates only to managing tasks based on workflow processes: learn more.

  • The Delete items entry relates only to the removal of items permanently from the Workspace's Trash, i.e. to items that have been soft deleted previously (learn more). An item can be soft deleted provided by anyone who has editing rights for this item.

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The features available depend on your Altium product access level. Compare features included in the various levels of Altium Designer Software Subscription and functionality delivered through applications provided by the Altium 365 platform.

If you don’t see a discussed feature in your software, contact Altium Sales to find out more.