Drawing Annotation


The features available depend on your Altium product access level. Compare features included in the various levels of Altium Designer Software Subscription and functionality delivered through applications provided by the Altium 365 platform.

If you don’t see a discussed feature in your software, contact Altium Sales to find out more.

Draftsman provides a range of additional drawing and annotation tools designed to add important information to a Draftsman drawing document. These include both automated note and highlighting systems.

The type of annotation to be placed can be selected from the Place main menu.

Callout Copy Link Copied

A Draftsman callout is a graphic pointer that can be placed in a document to provide information about a specific drawing location or object. The information associated with a callout may be custom text or data derived from various sources, like a BOM entry or a note item. Callouts can have one or more pointers to source points.

Several callouts of different types placed on a board assembly view
Several callouts of different types placed on a board assembly view

The steps to place a callout are:

  1. Select the callout placement command (Place » Annotations » Callout).

  2. The cursor will change to a crosshair indicating callout placement mode. Position the cursor in the drawing space to choose between the two callout placement types as indicated by the cursor highlighting:

    • Object callout – when the cursor highlights a side or corner of an object outline (such as the perimeter of a drawing view or component), the placed callout will be 'attached' to that specific object.

    • General callout – when there is no highlighting at the cursor, the placed callout simply refers to that location, rather than an object.

  3. Click to place the callout pointer at the desired location, as determined above.

  4. Move the cursor to a suitable position for the callout source text and click to confirm the placement.

  5. Callouts support multiple sources. After placing the callout's source text position, you can move and click again to identify as many other source locations as required.

  6. Once the required number of sources has been defined, right-click to complete the placement of this callout. You remain in callout placement mode.

  7. Repeat the sequence of steps 2 – 6 to place another callout, or right-click a second time to drop out of callout placement mode.

Notes on working with callouts:

  • The information text that is shown at the end of the callout (the callout 'tag') is determined by the Source Text property options in the Properties panel.

    If the Source Text setting in the Properties panel is not applicable to the type of callout you have placed, its tag text will be shown as [N/A]. For example, if the Source Text is set to BOM Item for a general callout (indicated by an arrow pointer), then the callout is referring to a general location, rather than to a BOM component. An object callout, which specifies a component, is required in this case.

  • The end position of a placed callout may be graphically modified. Select a callout to enable its end position editing handle, which can be dragged to a new location.

  • The starting/target point for a placed callout can be moved to a new location through a drag-and-drop action. When moved, the starting node binds to the new object and causes the callout data to update accordingly.

  • An existing callout can have additional sources added and removed. Click to select the callout, then right-click on it to display the context menu. This menu will include an Add Source command, and if it already has multiple sources defined and an individual source was selected when the right-click was performed, the menu will also include a Delete Source command. Note the Spacebar and Delete Source shortcuts, use these to quickly add and delete sources to/from a callout, respectively.

A video demonstrating callout placement and graphical editing techniques is shown below.

Smart callout text can be placed and configured to read the matching BOM entry for a component (or components), refer to an existing note item entry, or just display custom text.

The drawing style and information source of a placed callout are configurable in the Properties panel when the callout is selected in the design space ().


Connection Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the callout pointer line and elbow. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.

Arrow Style

Use the provided options to configure the callout pointer.

  • Head Style – select the drop-down to choose from a range of preset pointer styles (headers).

  • Width – the width of the target pointer head, such as an arrow. This setting also defines the diameter of a round head style.

  • Length – the length of the pointer head, such as an arrow.


Source Text

Use the drop-down menu to specify the data source that is used to generate the callout text string (tag).

  • Custom Text – the callout text will be the string entered in the resulting Custom Text field.

  • Note Item – the callout text is a reference to an item entry of a note that exists in the Draftsman document. Use the resulting Note Item drop-down menu to select the item (row) number in the note object.

  • BOM Item – the callout text will refer to the BOM entry number reference for the targeted (attached) component. This source option applies when the callout is attached to a component.

    When Draftsman is sourcing BOM data from a project ActiveBOM document, the component's BOM entry reference (Line #) must be available in the source document – otherwise, the callout tag will be blank.

    For more information about the Line # column, refer to the Creating the BOM Document page.

  • Component Parameter – the callout text will be a parameter value that is available from the attached component (such as Designator or Comment), as selected from the resulting Parameter drop-down menu.

  • Board Region – the callout text will be the name of the underlying board region when the callout has been placed on a board region view.

  • Via Structure – the callout text will be the name of the underlying via feature when the callout has been placed on a via type view.


Use the drop-down menu to choose the graphic shape style at the end of the callout line (circle, square, etc.). Use the associated color button to specify the fill color of the end shape (that surrounds the text tag).

If the callout has multiple sources that are different BOM items, all of the BOM item numbers will be displayed when the callout has its Border set to Underline

Auto size Enable to automatically expand the end shape of the callout to accommodate the accompanying text tag string. When this option is disabled, use the Width and/or Height fields to specify the required size of the shape.
Text Above Use the field to define a text that will be shown above the callout pointer line.
Text Below Use the field to define a text that will be shown below the callout pointer line.
Line Style Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the callout end shape's border line (outline). Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.
Elbow Style Use the drop-down menu to specify or disable the horizontal line (elbow) attached to the end of the callout line. The callout text tag and its border are attached to the elbow.
Elbow Length Set the horizontal length of the elbow.
Elbow Position Set the elbow and text tag to project to the left or right of the callout line.



Sets the font used for the callout's text tag.

  • When the Use Document Font option is enabled, the font used is that defined by the document options (the Document Font entry in the General region of the General tab of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space).

  • When the Use Document Font option is disabled, use the provided options to choose the desired font type, size, color, and text attributes.

When the GOST 2.701-2008/2.106-1996 software extension is installed for your Altium Designer installation, additional options will be available in the panel's Properties region.

  • Symbol and Processing of the contour () – these options allow a placed callout to indicate a glued or soldered mechanical connection (). Select a soldering () or gluing () symbol, as defined by GOST 2.313-82, from the Symbol drop-down menu to add that mechanical attachment indicator to the callout pointer line. Enable the Processing of the contour option when a glue or solder joint seam is to be made in a closed area to place a circle symbol at the end or elbow of the callout line ().

  • Additional Circle (GOST) and Triangle (GOST) options will be available for the callout's Border ().

  • When the callout's Source Text is set to Note Item, the Prefix option is available (). Use it to define a text string that will be displayed before the callout tag.

For more information about managing extensions, refer to the Extending Your Installation page.

Center Mark Copy Link Copied

A Draftsman center mark is a crosshair object that automatically locks to the radius origin of a circle and arc in a Draftsman document. A placed center mark is available as a reference location for placed dimensioning objects such as linear and ordinate dimensions.

Several center marks placed on a board assembly view
Several center marks placed on a board assembly view

The steps to place a center mark:

  1. Select the center mark placement command (Place » Annotations » Center Mark). The cursor will change to a crosshair and the editor will enter center mark placement mode.

  2. Hover the cursor over a circle or arc outline, which will be highlighted (colored orange) as the center mark graphic snaps to the circle/arc radius center point.

  3. Click the circle/arc outline to confirm the placement of the center mark object.

  4. Continue placing further center marks or right-click or press Esc to exit placement mode.

Notes on working with center marks:

  • Placed center marks are available for dimension bindings. When placing linear or ordinate dimensions, select the highlighted dot at the intersection of the center mark cross as a dimension reference node ().

  • Select a placed center mark by clicking on the intersection of its cross-hairs. Once selected, an editing node is available at its center point. Click and drag the center mark's node to move it to a circle/arc in a different location. The center mark is attached to the target circle/arc in the same way as during its initial placement – hover then click on the circle/arc outline.

A video demonstrating center mark placement and graphical editing techniques is shown below.

The line style, color, and rotation of a center mark are available as settings in the Properties panel when the center mark is selected in the design space ().


Connection Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the center mark cross-hair lines. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.



Specify the rotation angle of the center mark cross-hair graphic.

This option can be used to document the angular placement of circles/arcs in a drawing. In this case, a placed angular dimension uses one line of a center mark cross as an angle dimension reference ().

Surface Finish Indicator Copy Link Copied

Draftsman allows the placement of surface finish graphical symbols and their associated parameters that comply with the ISO 1302:2002 International Standard for surface texture in technical product documentation. The standard specifies the rules for the indication of surface texture in drawings, based on special symbols and attributes that describe the permitted surface material for the product – in this case, a printed circuit board.

The addition of surface finish indicators in Draftsman avoids the need for a separate surface finish tool or application when this standardized information is required for PCB manufacture. The graphical symbols are accompanied by a range of specialized text codes, as defined by the ISO standard.

A number of surface finish objects of different styles placed on a board fabrication view
A number of surface finish objects of different styles placed on a board fabrication view

In most cases, only one or two surfaces need to be defined, such as the surface of the top and bottom layers, so a minimal number of symbols/attributes are usually required. However, the indicators may be applied to the face of any engineered object, including the surfaces of rendered components.

The string-based parameters (attributes) that are associated with the symbol indicate a range of manufacturing options, as defined by the standard:

  • First requirement (a)

  • Second requirement (b)

  • Manufacturing Method (c)

  • Surface Lay and Orientations (d) – predefined options, with matching symbol graphics, as selected from the drop-down menu in the Properties panel (default is None).

  • Machining Allowance (e)

For more information on the parameter codes and options, see the Surface Finish specification standard. For overview information and related links, see the Surface Finish Wikipedia entry.

To place a surface finish object in a drawing, select the surface finish placement command (Place » Annotations » Surface Finish). When the command is launched, the cursor will change to a crosshair indicating placement mode. As the cursor is hovered over objects, the object edges will be highlighted as orange-colored lines.

To attach the surface finish to a drawing object face:

  1. Position the cursor on a highlighted line then click to nominate that edge position.
  2. Move the cursor to specify the symbol orientation relative to the edge then click to confirm the placement.

To place a free surface finish that is not attached to an object edge:

  1. Position the cursor in any position where an object edge is not highlighted.

  2. Click to confirm the placement.

The attached surface finish indicator can be dragged along the line, and, optionally, away from the drawing via an automatic extension line (enabled by the With Leader option in the Properties panel). 

The position and orientation of a placed surface finish may be graphically modified. Select a surface finish object to enable its editing modes:

  • For an attached symbol, click and drag its attachment point node to change the connection position.

  • For an attached symbol without an arrowed leader line, drag its mid-point node to invert the symbol orientation.

  • For a free (not attached) symbol, drag its node or the graphic itself to change its position.

A video demonstrating surface finish object placement and graphical editing techniques is shown below.

The symbol style and text attributes for a placed surface finish object are configurable in the Properties panel when the object is selected in the design space ().



The standardized graphic symbol that will be shown in the surface finish indicator. Use the drop-down menu to choose a surface manufacturing process, as defined in the ISO 1302:2002 standard:

  • Any Manufacturing Process Permitted ()

  • Material Shall Be Removed ()

  • Material Shall Not Be Removed (

Line Style

Use the drop-downs to select the line used to render the surface finish symbol and its leader/pointer line, if enabled. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.

Extension Line Style Use the drop-downs to select the line that automatically extends from an object edge when the surface finish indicator point is moved beyond the object's bounds. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the line.
Extension Line Gap The spacing between the target object edge and the beginning of the extension line.
Extension Line Offset The distance that the extension lines will protrude beyond the surface finish symbol.
Arrow Style

Use the provided options to configure the connector line (applies if the With Leader option is enabled).

  • Head Style – select the drop-down to choose from a range of preset pointer styles (headers).

  • Width – the width of the target pointer head, such as an arrow. This setting also defines the diameter of a round head style.

  • Length – the length of the pointer head, such as an arrow.

  • Full Length – the length of the arrow lines when positioned on the outside of the surface finish line.

With Leader Enable to add an arrowed connector line between the surface finish indicator and the target object face.


First Requirement

A coded and numerical tolerance for the surface texture.

Second Requirement An additional coded and numerical tolerance for the surface texture.
Manufacturing Method

The permitted processes to be used to manufacture the surface.

Machining Allowance A numerical constraint for the surface machining accuracy.
Allow Different Requirements

When checked, an additional bracketed symbol is added to the selected surface finish object (applies to a free, i.e. not attached, symbol only). This indicates that other attached surface finish objects in the drawing may override the currently selected surface finish object, which acts as a general/base setting for all surfaces.

This option is not available for a surface finish object attached to an edge of an existing view. In this case, the option is effectively disabled.

Surface Lay and Orientation

Use the drop-down menu to specify the desired pattern style and direction for the surface.



Sets the font used for the surface finish indicator's characters.

  • When the Use Document Font option is enabled, the font used is that defined by the document options (the Document Font entry in the General region of the General tab of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space).

  • When the Use Document Font option is disabled, use the provided options to choose the desired font type, size, color, and text attributes.

The surface finish symbol will proportionally scale with the selected font size.

Note Copy Link Copied

A note object (Place » Annotations » Note) is an active text-based list that can be placed in a Draftsman document to provide additional and optionally targeted information that relates to drawing views.

The entries in a note list can include parameters that are available to the project document and individual list entries can be referred to by placed callout objects. A callout–note reference behaves as an active link, and therefore, changes to the note entry (such as its list number or border graphic) will be reflected in the callout label.

Two note objects in a drawing with example callout objects that refer to note list entries.
Two note objects in a drawing with example callout objects that refer to note list entries.

The note object's visual style and its list entries are configurable in the Properties panel when the object is selected in the design space (). To view/modify the properties of a specific note in the list, click to select that entry in the list. The Selected Element region of the Properties panel will update to reflect the properties for that entry accordingly ().


Use these options to configure the object's title. These options are similar to those used to configure a view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.



When multiple note objects are placed within the same sheet of a Draftsman document, this option defines the numbering of list entries based on the relative note locations:

  • Over, then Down ()

  • Down, then Over ()

If necessary, the numbering will automatically re-order when a note list is moved.

Width The boundary width of the note object. The text entries will automatically wrap to remain constrained within the object width.
Horizontal Spacing The distance between the list entry numbering and their associated text entries.
Vertical Spacing The distance, or line spacing, between the list entry elements.

Sets the font used for the note text entries.

  • When the Use Document Font option is enabled, the font used is that defined by the document options (the Document Font entry in the General region of the General tab of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space).

  • When the Use Document Font option is disabled, use the provided options to choose the desired font type, size, color, and text attributes.

Selected Element

Note Item Number Indicates the entry number of the currently selected list element.
Border The graphic outline style applied to the number of the selected list element. Use the drop-down menu to select from a range of predefined geometric shapes.
Note Description

The text entry field for the currently selected note list element.

Click to open the Document Parameters dialog where any of the available parameters may be selected for inclusion in the note entry. The dialog can be configured to present all system, project (both local and Workspace-side parameters), and PCB parameters related to the active Draftsman document. Select a parameter and click OK to confirm the selection; the value string for that parameter will be inserted at the current cursor position within the Note Description field ().

  • Draftsman document parameters are accessible under the Parameters tab in the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. Custom parameters can also be added on this tab. For more information about Draftsman document parameters, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page.

  • Insertion of a parameter in this way is also supported for the text object.

Click to add a new entry (element) to the end of the note list. Any number of note entries can be added to a note item list.
 /  Use to move the selected entry up or down one row. The list entries are automatically renumbered to accommodate the change.

Click to remove the selected entry.

When the GOST 2.701-2008/2.106-1996 software extension is installed for your Altium Designer installation, additional options will be available in the panel's Selected Element region ():

  • Number format – use this field to enter a character (or characters) that will be shown after the entry number of the currently selected list element. Note that this option only applies when the element's Border is set to None.

  • Paragraph Indent – use this field to enter an indentation value for the currently selected list element. Note that this option only applies when the Border of all elements of the currently selected note object is set to None.

For more information about managing extensions, refer to the Extending Your Installation page.

Text Copy Link Copied

A text box (Place » Text) is a text container object that can be placed on a Draftsman document sheet.

The text object's text string and visual style are configurable in the Properties panel when the object is selected in the design space ().


(X/Y) The X-axis and Y-axis values of the text box reference location (bottom-left corner position).
Rotation The rotation angle of the text box.


Width The width of the text box.
Height The height of the text box.
Clip Text To Bounds When selected, the box text string will be automatically wrapped to remain constrained within the text box perimeter.
Text The target field for the text string that will appear in the displayed text box.

Click to open the Document Parameters dialog where any of the available parameters may be selected for inclusion in the note entry. The dialog can be configured to present all system, project (both local and Workspace-side parameters), and PCB parameters related to the active Draftsman document. Select a parameter and click OK to confirm the selection; the value string for that parameter will be inserted at the current cursor position within the Text field ().

  • Draftsman document parameters are accessible under the Parameters tab in the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. Custom parameters can also be added on this tab. For more information about Draftsman document parameters, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page.

  • Insertion of a parameter in this way is also supported for the note object.


Sets the font used for the text box string.

  • When the Use Document Font option is enabled, the font used is that defined by the document options (the Document Font entry in the General region of the General tab of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space).

  • When the Use Document Font option is disabled, use the provided options to choose the desired font type, size, color, and text attributes.


Use the buttons to set the Horizontal (left, center, or right) and Vertical (top, middle, or bottom) text alignment and positioning within the text box.

Fill Style

Use these options to configure the display of the text box fill pattern and color. The pattern swatch shows the preview of the pattern according to the configured settings. Use the associated color buttons to specify colors for the fill and hatch pattern. Select the associated  button to access the following options ():

  • Pattern – the graphic pattern for the sectioned board. Select Solid fill or an ANSI pattern (ANSI 31 or ANSI 37) from the drop-down menu.

  • Scale – the relative line spacing of the applied ANSI hatch pattern.

  • Rotation – the angle of the ANSI hatching lines, where a value of 0 is equivalent to 45°.

  • Hatch Thickness – the line weight of the ANSI pattern lines.

If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

The features available depend on your Altium product access level. Compare features included in the various levels of Altium Designer Software Subscription and functionality delivered through applications provided by the Altium 365 platform.

If you don’t see a discussed feature in your software, contact Altium Sales to find out more.