Generating Reports
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The Company Dashboard Reports page provides a range of license usage monitoring and reporting features for On-Demand licensing. These reports can be used to audit how your licenses are used within your organization. This is useful for ensuring that the most efficient use is being made of the available license seats, for anticipating future license requirements, and to determine the usage of individual users.
Main page for reporting/analysis of On-Demand license usage within the Dashboard.
Supported Reports Copy Link Copied
The following types of reports are available:
- Real Time Usage
- Usage History
- Usage Log
Switch between these report types using the tabs at the top of the page.
Switch report type as needed using tabs at the top of the Reports page.
Real Time Usage
The Company Dashboard's real-time usage report provides a detailed summary of how the On-Demand licenses – associated with your Company Account – are currently being used within your organization.
Example report showing real-time usage of On-Demand licenses for an organization.
Statistics for the current utilization of license seats (licenses currently in use are only considered) are shown at the top of the report.
By default, all On-Demand licenses that are actually being used will be listed. Use the filtering field (whose non-filtered text displays as Search) to narrow the report to specific licenses as required. Filtering can be by license (product) name or serial number and applies dynamically as you type.
Expanding a license entry by clicking on it will show statistics for users of that license.
Expanding a license to see the usage per user.
Usage History
This type of report provides a detailed history of how the On-Demand licenses – associated to your Company Account – have been used within your organization. By default, the report lists usage for the last month, across all used On-Demand licenses, groups and users. Use the associated reporting filters to present the results as required.
- Select a specific time interval for the included entries using the buttons at the top of the report grid – either the last month, last quarter, last year, or a customized reporting interval of your choosing.
Use pop-ups accessed by clicking the
icon at the right of the Product / Activation Code and User / Group column headers to include specific licenses and/or groups and/or users, as required – this will filter the results by these settings.
Group the listing entries by a specific time frame using the drop-down menu accessed by clicking the
icon at the right of the Date Range column header.
Group the listing entries by users, groups, and/or licenses using the pop-up accessed by clicking the
icon at the right of the heading row.
Example report showing historic usage of On-Demand licenses for an organization.
Along with time-logged data for each active user, the report listing provides an approximate working time (Avg) based on the logged time used over the number of days in which the license was used.
Usage Log
This type of report provides a detailed usage log for the On-Demand licenses associated to your Company Account, in terms of:
Who has used the license, and in which group they were assigned that license.
What version of the software they were using.
The time a user took the license seat (IN) and the time they released the license seat back into the pool for use by others on the Company Account (OUT), as well as duration of license seat use.
Who used a seat of a specific license, and in which group they were assigned that license.
By default, the report lists usage for the last month, across all used On-Demand licenses, groups and users. Use the associated reporting filters to present the results as required.
- Select a specific time interval for the included entries using the buttons at the top of the report grid – either the last month, last quarter, last year, or a customized reporting interval of your choosing.
Use pop-ups accessed by clicking the
icon at the right of the Product / Activation Code and User / Group column headers to include specific licenses and/or groups and/or users, as required – this will filter the results by these settings.
Example report showing the usage log for On-Demand licenses within an organization.
Exporting a Report in CSV Format Copy Link Copied
The Reports page also offers the option to export the current report to disk in CSV format – compatible with Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet applications – for administration and accounting purposes. Select the desired report results using the appropriate report type and filtering for your needs, then click the Download CSV control.
Example Usage Log exported into CSV format and opened in both Microsoft Excel and Notepad++.