LayerStackManager_Dlg-StackisnotsymmetricStack is not symmetric_AD
Created: Januar 02, 2019 | Updated: März 06, 2024
| Applies to versions: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4 and 5
Now reading version 4. For the latest, read: LayerStackManager_Dlg-Stackisnotsymmetric((Stack is not symmetric))_AD for version 5
The Stack is not symmetric dialog allows you to achieve symmetry in the layer stack.
The dialog is accessed by enabling the Stack Symmetry option in the Properties panel in Layer Stack Manager mode.
- Layer stack symmetry mismatches - the grid displays all detected conflicts in layer stack symmetry.
- Mirror top half down - the settings of each of the layers above the central dielectric layer are copied down to the symmetrical partner-layer.
- Mirror bottom half up - the settings of each of the layers below the central dielectric layer are copied up to the symmetrical partner-layer.
- Mirror whole stack down - an additional dielectric layer is inserted after the last copper layer, then all of the signal and dielectric layers are replicated and mirrored below this new dielectric layer.
- Mirror whole stack up - an additional dielectric layer is inserted before the first copper layer, then all of the signal and dielectric layers are replicated and mirrored above this new dielectric layer.