Parent page: WorkspaceManager Commands
The following pre-packaged resources, derived from this base command, are available:
Show Hidden Document
Applied Parameters: Index=n (where n is in the range 1 to 16)
This command is used to show (or 'unhide') the indicated design document that has previously been hidden. Documents are hidden in order to prevent clutter in the tabbed area of the main design window. When a document is hidden, it is still open from the point of view of processes such as compilation, synchronization, andannotation, it is just not displayed as a tabbed-document in the main design window.
The related indexed command is accessed from most editors, by choosing the Window » Unhide <DocumentName> command, from the main menus.
After launching the command, the associated design document will be restored as the active document in the main design window.
- Up to 16 hidden documents can be listed on the Window » Unhide sub-menu. The hidden documents are listed in alphabetical order. If more than 16 documents are hidden, the remaining documents will appear on the sub-menu, as and when you choose to 'unhide' documents, and therefore create room on the menu.
- To determine which documents are hidden - especially if you have hidden more documents than can be included on the Window » Unhide sub-menu - click the drop-down part of the
button on the Projects panel, and enable the Show open/modified status option (part of the General cluster of options). This option can also be enabled from the System - Projects Panel page of the Preferences dialog. Hidden documents are given the blank document icon -
. Alternatively, hover the mouse over the icon to obtain textual confirmation of the document's status.
- Hidden documents can also be accessed by clicking the
button, at the far right of the tabbed document bar. This gives access to a menu of hidden documents. Click a document entry to unhide it. The menu can hold up to 10 hidden documents, after which all hidden documents will be grouped into sub-menus, by document type.