Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to access the Draftsman Document Options dialog for the active Draftsman document (*.PCBDwf). This dialog provides a range of options that affect the active Draftsman document only. They can therefore collectively be thought of as local-level options.
For a high-level look at how the Altium Draftsman Drawing System provides an interactive approach to the creation of production documentation for your PCBs, see
This command can be accessed from the PcbDrawing Editor by:
- Choosing the Tools » Document Options command from the main menus.
- Clicking the
button on the Drawing Document Standard toolbar.
- Right-clicking in the workspace and choosing the Document Options command from the context menu.
First, ensure that the Draftsman document (*.PCBDwf) whose options you wish to modify, is open as the active document in the main design window.
After launching the command, the Draftsman Document Options dialog will appear. This dialog allows you to define options that are specific to the active Draftsman document. The dialog is divided over five tabs:
- General - this tab provides options for specifying the source PCB, grids, sheet display, zoning information, and how not-fitted components are presented when documenting variants.
- Parameters - this tab lists the parameters that are available to use in the Draftsman document (in title block area and tables for example). These can be System/Project/PCB parameters currently defined, as well as your own custom parameters that you can add specifically for use in the active document.
- Snapping - this tab provides options for controlling the snapping functionality when moving primitives within the workspace.
- Line Styles - this tab provides options for defining line thickness and dashing style for the available lines that can be placed on the document.
- Units - this tab provides options for setting the type of unit, and numeric precision, used for the document.
Make changes as required and click OK to save.
- All settings defined through the dialog are saved with the active Draftsman document.
- Defined options apply to the entire Draftsman document (so all of its constituent sheets).