EDAImporter_Dlg-ImporterSettingsImporter Settings_AD
The Importer settings dialog
The Importer settings dialog allows you to control design rules, missing vias, keep-out conversions, and other various options during the import process.
The dialog is accessed by clicking Importer Options on the PADS PCB Library ASCII File Import Options dialog.
Design Rules - use the following options to control which design rules are imported during the import process.
- Import Clearance Rules - enable to import all clearance design rules.
- Import Routing Rules - enable to import all routing rules.
- Import High Speed Rules - enable to import all high speed rules.
Keep-Out Options - use the following options to control which keep-out options are imported during the import process.
- Import Placement Keep-Outs As Rooms - enable to import placement keep-outs as rooms.
- Import Trace & Copper Keep-Out Regions - enable to import all trace and copper keep-out regions.
- Import Copper Pour & Plane Keep-Outs As Cut-Out Regions - enable to import all copper pour and plane keep-outs as cut-out regions.
Internal Plane Options - use the following options to control internal planes during the import process.
- Plane Pullback Distance - enter the required distance in the textbox.
- Rebuild All Internal Planes - enable to rebuild all internal planes.
Options - use the following to enable/disable additional options, e.g., missing vias.
- Add Missing Via On Route Layer Change - enable to add missing vias when the route layer is changed.
- Generate Teardrops - enable to generate teardrops.
- Generate Rules For Thermals In Pad Stacks - enable to generate rules for thermals in pad stacks.
- Change Attributes For Used Layers - enable to change attributes for used layers.
- Override Pad Inner Value With Largest Found - enable to override inner value of the pad with the largest value found.