Client_Dlg-AddDocDataItemFormAdd New Snippet_AD
Created: Juli 28, 2015 | Updated: Juni 16, 2017
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1, 17.0 and 17.1
Now reading version 17.0. For the latest, read: Client_Dlg-AddDocDataItemForm((Add New Snippet))_AD for version 22
The Add New Snippet dialog
The Add New Snippet dialog allows you to add new snippets (design segments) to a Snippets Examples Windows folder for later use in other designs.
This dialog can be accessed in the following ways:
- With a sub-circuit selected in the PCB document, right click then select Snippets » Create Snippet from union.
- With an object selected in the schematic, right click then select Snippets » Create Snippet from selected objects.
- Name - use this text box to enter a name for the newly added snippet.
- Create in - specifies the default folder ("Snippets Examples") for the new snippet. A child folder with the name you created using the New Folder button wiil also appear.
- New Folder - use this button to open the Folder Properties dialog and create a child folder for the snippets under Snippets Examples.
- Comment - use this text box to include a meaningful comment for the new snippet.