Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to quickly access the License Management area, one of several views available under Altium Designer's Home page. This is 'command central' for signing-in to your Altium account, and setting up your licensing for the software.
This command is accessed from any editor, by clicking the
button (to the left of the menus) and choosing My Account from the subsequent pane that appears.
After launching the command, the License Management area of the Home page will be opened as the active document view. This is one of two areas under the Admin parent sub-page; the other being Extensions & Updates.
Use this view to perform license configuration and selection. To perform On-Demand license-related activities you must be signed in - sign-in to your Altium account to view and select On-Demand licenses available to you. Note that you do not need to be signed in to add a Standalone license file or connect to your Private License Server and use a seat from any of the associated Private Server licenses made available to you by your network administrator.
Whether using an On-Demand license, Standalone license, or Private Server license, the Available Licenses region of the page will automatically present the specific licenses available to you. Choose the license that you want to use and then click on the applicable command (eg, Use, Roam, Reconnect to private license server), depending on the type of license and how you want to use it.