Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to toggle the highlighting of objects based on the current Dcode. In this way, you can interrogate exactly which objects a particular Dcode is associated with.
This command can be accessed from the CAMtastic Editor by:
- Choosing the View » Views » Highlight Dcode command from the main menus.
- Clicking the
button, on the Miscellaneous Tools drop-down (
) of the Utilities toolbar.
- Using the Shift+H keyboard shortcut.
First, ensure that the Dcode for the objects you wish to highlight is selected in the Dcode field on the CAMtastic panel.
After launching the command, all objects on all enabled layers that use the current Dcode will become highlighted, and the Status Bar will reflect the total number of highlighted objects. Using the command again for the same Dcode will remove the highlighting.
- Highlighting only affects objects drawn with the current Dcode. If you change the current Dcode in the CAMtastic panel and run the command again, only those objects for this selected (now current) Dcode will be highlighted.