Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to import one or more Gerber files into the current document.
This command can be accessed from the CAMtastic Editor by:
- Choosing the File » Import » Gerber command from the main menus.
- Clicking the
button, on the Import/Export Tools drop-down (
) of the Utilities toolbar.
After launching the command, the Select Gerber File(s) dialog will appear. Use the dialog to locate and open the required Gerber file(s). Multiple files can be selected.
After clicking Open, the Import Gerber(s) - Options dialog will appear. Use this dialog to manually define import settings.
If the Auto Detect Gerber Formats option is enabled, all options and settings required for the Gerber format being imported will be detected automatically.
After setting options as required, clicking OK will proceed with the import, bringing the data from the Gerber file(s) into the current document - each file imported becoming an individual layer in the CAMtastic Editor.
- You may want to open a new, blank CAM document, before importing the Gerber file(s).
- If you have a folder containing multiple Gerber files, all of which you want to import, use the Gerber Quick Load feature.
- RS-274, RS274X, and Fire9000 Gerber file formats are all supported by the CAMtastic Editor.
- The Gerber RS-274 format requires a separate Aperture file to be included at import, while the extended versions (Gerber RS-274-X and Fire9000) use embedded apertures inside the Gerber files, and therefore do not require a separate Aperture file to be imported.