Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to join together individual line, arc and polyline objects.
This command can be accessed from the CAMtastic Editor by:
- Choosing the Edit » Objects » Join command from the main menus.
- Clicking the
button, on the Editing Tools drop-down (
) of the Utilities toolbar.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a small square and you will be prompted to select a single trace (draw) object. Simply position the cursor over a line, arc, or polyline that is part of the chain of segmented objects that you wish to join, and click. The entire chain will become highlighted, indicating that the previous individual line/arc/polyline objects have now been joined, and will be considered as a single object for editing purposes.
Continue joining together further individual trace segments, or right-click, or press Esc, to exit.
- The two ends of individual line/arc/polyline segments must be touching precisely, otherwise the join will not be successful. A simple method for ensuring the ends are meeting is to set the Object Snap Mode to End (via the CAMtastic panel or the CAM Editor - Drawing Modes page of the Preferences dialog) and placing a connecting trace between the two ends.