Applied Parameters: CommandMode=CAM
This command is used to place polygon objects onto the current document. A polygon is a raster filled boundary that requires an outline to be made of straight lines.
This command is accessed from the CAMtastic Editor by choosing the Place » Polygon command from the main menus.
After launching the command, you will enter polygon placement mode. Placement is made by performing the following sequence of actions:
- Position the cursor at the required location in the workspace and click to anchor the start point for the polygon.
- Move the cursor and click again to place the next vertex point in the polygon boundary.
- Continue placing further vertices, clicking each time, until the desired shape for the polygon has been achieved.
- Right-click to complete placement and fill the polygon. There is no need to "close" the polygon as the software will automatically complete the shape by adding a line from the start point to the final point placed.
- Continue placing further polygons, or press Esc to exit polygon placement mode.
- A polygon must have at least three distinct vertices.
- If you wish to place a polygon that clears all flashes and draws that fall within its boundary, place a polygon void object. A Polygon void behaves exactly the same as a polygon, but when placed, all contents within its boundary are cleared. You can put polygon voids inside a polygon.
- Polygons will be drawn using the current DCode. Set the required DCode in the DCode field on the CAMtastic panel.
- Polygons will be drawn on the current layer. The current layer is displayed on the CAMtastic panel at the top of the layers list. Double-clicking on any layer in the layers list will cause it to become the current layer.