Vault Message

This documentation page references Altium Vault, which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace.

Support for the use of a Proxy Server_AV

Vault Message

This documentation page references Altium Vault, which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace.

For a company that accesses the internet through a proxy server, proxy configuration information can now be defined for an Altium Vault - post installation. This enables Vault Services to successfully connect with internet-based services through the company's proxy server, as and when required, such as when acquiring content from the cloud-based Altium Content Vault through use of the Content Cart (Data Acquisition Service).

Proxy configuration information is entered into the [Proxy] section of the LocalVault.ini file. For a default installation of the Altium Vault, this file can be found in the following location: \Program Files (x86)\Altium\Altium Vault.

Proxy server information is defined in the INI file after the Vault has been installed. IIS (Vault-related application pools) should not be stopped before editing the file, but must be restarted after changes have been made and the INI file saved, in order for the changes to be applied.
While accessing the internet through secured protocol (HTTPS) is supported by a Proxy Server itself, use of a Proxy Server with HTTPS schema through the Altium Vault installation is not supported. For example, if you want to acquire some components from the Altium Content Vault - connected through HTTPS - all will work fine. But if you want to specify a Proxy Server through the Vault in the format https://myproxy:3128, this proxy will not work.

Configuration information for your Proxy Server is added to the Vault's LocalVault.ini file - ensuring that the services
provided by the Vault can access their web-based destinations successfully, through that Proxy Server.

The following entries are made within the [Proxy] section of the file:

  • Enabled - specify whether a Proxy Server is to be used. Enter either a 1 (Proxy Server enabled), or 0 (Proxy Server disabled).
  • Server - specify here, the host computer that is acting as the Proxy Server, in the format http://<ComputerName>:<PortNumber> (e.g. http://myproxy:3128), or http://<IPAddress>:<PortNumber> (e.g. You can drop the http:// part if you wish.
Remember that only a HTTP Proxy Server can be used - HTTPS proxies are not supported when configured through the Vault.
  • Exceptions - specify here, the list of domains for which proxy settings should be ignored (separated by a comma).
By default, proxy settings are bypassed for local addresses (, localhost, and the domain name of the computer on which the Altium Vault is installed).
  • User - enter the username portion of the credentials for access to, and authentication on, the Proxy Server.
  • Password - enter the password portion of the credentials for access to, and authentication on, the Proxy Server.
The User and Password values may be left empty if authentication is not required for the specified Proxy Server.

The following image illustrates example Proxy Server configuration information defined within a LocalVault.ini file. For the Exceptions entry, note that the google entry will result in bypass of any site that begins with 'google' (e.g.,,, , and so on).

Example Proxy Server configuration.Example Proxy Server configuration.

Once saved, ensure that you restart the IIS application pools associated with the Vault (performed from the Windows Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager panel - accessed from Window's Administrative Tools window).


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