
您正在阅读的是 4. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 订阅过期后从工作区提取数据 阅读 5 版本

Nexus message

This documentation page references Altium NEXUS/NEXUS Client (part of the deployed NEXUS solution), which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace. Check out the FAQs page for more information.





  • 批量下载元件和模型。对于元件来说,导出IntLib格式的文件非常重要。可以通过内容购物车得到元件的IntLib格式的文件。
  • 检出设计(如果互联工作区在个人版本控制下,您也没有本地工作副本)。
  • 下载发布包。



Altium NEXUS的资源管理器面板支持在工作区内选择多个条目并将这些条目的源实体批量下载到新创建的单一资源库或文件夹,具体视情况而定。以下条目类型均支持此功能:

  • 元件——将选定元件下载到Zip文件,含源符号、模型库以及一个源集成库包(*.LibPkg)。
  • 符号——将选定符号下载到原理图库(*.SchLib)。
  • 封装——将选定2D/3D元件模型下载到PCB库(*.PcbLib)。
  • 仿真模型——将选定内容中适用于每个条目的发布数据(*.SimModel, *.mdl, *.ckt)下载到一个独立的子文件中。


To be able to use this functionality in Altium NEXUS, you will need to enable the use of legacy component management methodologies. This is disabled by default in Altium NEXUS, as it is not recommended. You can restore this functionality by enabling the Legacy.UnManagedLibraries option in the Advanced Settings dialog – accessed by clicking the Advanced button, on the System – General page of the Preferences dialog. You will need to restart Altium NEXUS for the changes to this setting to take effect.

您也具备通过互联工作区获取元件将其转化成集成库的能力(*.IntLib)。完成该工作的工具,即您在工作区的“数据获取服务”界面,就是内容购物车。通过Altium NEXUS的资源管理器面板可以访问“内容购物车”对话框。当您浏览您希望获取数据的工作区时,右键单击您希望获取的条目修订,在上下文菜单中选择“操作 » 添加到内容购物车”命令。


  1. 单击“选择目标服务器”链接,然后从菜单中选择“IntLib文件”

    Set the target of the Content Cart to be an IntLib file.
    Set the target of the Content Cart to be an IntLib file.

  2. Specify the name, and location, for the generated IntLib file. By default, the file will be named in the format Integrated_Library - <Date> - <Time>.IntLib, and generated in the location \Users\Public\Documents\Altium\NEXUS<Version>\Library\ExportCmpLib. Modify this as required through the Save As dialog – accessed by clicking the Change link.

    Accept the default target folder and filename, or change as required.
    Accept the default target folder and filename, or change as required.

  3. 如果您需要在同一个IntLib中添加额外的元件,请点击“添加更多条目”链接,然后选择“Select”入口访问“选择条目”对话框。在这里您可以浏览源工作区获取更多的元件。您也可以选择“手动添加”入口访问“添加新条目”对话框。此对话框允许您粘贴元件的一个外部列表(每行一个条目),可以使用选定搜索标准(GUID条目ID名称MPN)在工作区内查找此清单。
  4. 完成之后,点击按钮开始生成IntLib。此时将会创建一个临时集成库包(*.LibPkg),其中包含生成和添加的源SchLib(带符号、参数和模型连接)和PcbLib(带封装模型)。然后经编译后生成IntLib文件,该文件在指定文件夹中生成。最后会出现一个信息对话框确认文件已成功生成。




For a design project under the full Workspace's version control – created and stored within the connected Workspace's Versioned Storage Git design repository – extraction from your Workspace is simply a case of checking out the design as a local working copy. This is performed directly from within Altium NEXUS using the File » Open Project command. The Open Project dialog will appear, from where you can choose which project to open from your Workspace – when connected to a Workspace, that Workspace will appear in the Locations region of the dialog, distinguished by the icon and appearing with the name given to the Workspace.


打开之后,项目就出现在Altium NEXUS的项目面板中您的工作区一个入口下方。

Obtain a local copy of a project by opening it (essentially checking it out of your connected Workspace).
Obtain a local copy of a project by opening it (essentially checking it out of your connected Workspace).


提取设计项目的任何和所有版本——使用 Altium NEXUS 中的项目发布器发布到您连接的工作区中——只需从工作区的浏览器界面中下载这些发布包。

Release packages are presented in the Manufacture view when browsing a specific design project through the detailed management page for the project – a detailed, CAD-centric view of the project.


可以下载发布中包含的任何和所有数据集。单击与该版本关联的按钮以访问一个窗口,在该窗口中定义要下载该版本的哪个数据集。单击按钮 后,包含每个包含数据集的文件夹的单个 Zip 存档将下载到 Web 浏览器的默认下载文件夹。


The Manufacture view gives you access to the released data packages, with the ability to download released data at varying levels of granularity.
The Manufacture view gives you access to the released data packages, with the ability to download released data at varying levels of granularity.

查看发布包时也可以下载数据。如需打开发布包查看,请点击关联按钮 以打开全部发布包。也可以点击按钮 然后选择查看的内容——全部发布包(全部发布)或指定装配(变量)。已打开的项目发布会显示在新的制造门户浏览器标签中。


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