WorkspaceManager_Dlg-OpenProjectDocumentsFormOpen Project Documents_ADR
Created: 四月 19, 2018 | Updated: 四月 20, 2018
| Applies to version: 18.1
您正在阅读的是 18.1. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 WorkspaceManager_Dlg-OpenProjectDocumentsForm((Open Project Documents))_ADR 阅读 22 版本
The Open Project Documents dialog
The Open Project Documents dialog provides controls to open project documents.
The dialog is accessed in the following ways:
- Click Project » Project Documents.
- Use the Ctrl+Alt+O shortcut keys.
- Look in - use the drop down to select where the desired project is located: Current Project or All Opened Projects.
- List - this is a list of all documents within the selected project. Click on the desired document then click OK to open.
- File name mask - use the text box to enter a character or string of characters to filter the results in the list.
- Files of kind - use the drop-down as a filter and select the type of files you want to appear in the list.