WorkspaceManager_Dlg-CompareComponentRevisionsCompare component revisions_AD
Created: 六月 05, 2018 | Updated: 六月 05, 2018
| Applies to versions: 18.0 and 18.1
您正在阅读的是 16.0. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 WorkspaceManager_Dlg-CompareComponentRevisions((Compare component revisions))_AD 阅读 21 版本
The Compare component revisions dialog allows for the visual comparison of two revisions of the same or different items. Revisions of items of the following content types can be compared:
- Component Item
- Symbol Item
- Footprint Item
- Managed Schematic Sheet Item
- Schematic Template Item
- PCB Fabrication Data Item
- PCB Assembly Data Item
- PCB Project Design Item
The dialog is accessed from the Explorer panel by browsing to the relevant folder, selecting the two Item-Revisions that you want to compare then right-clicking and choosing Operations » Compare from the context menu.
- Show unchanged - disable to leave only those elements that are not identical.
- Grid - displays the parametric data for the compared items.
- Parameter - the name of the compared parameter.
- Identical - displays red or green signifying the comparison results of the listed parameter:
- - Identical: this signifies that no difference exists between the parameter value/footprint/symbol for the two compared Component Item revisions.
- - Not Identical: this signifies that a difference has been detected in the parameter value/footprint/symbol between the two compared Component Item revisions.
- Footprint - displays a visual representation of the compared footprint. Click Compare to open the Compare components dialog to run a comparison of the two referenced footprints.
- Symbol - displays a visual representation of the compared symbol. Click Compare to perform a graphical comparison; any differences that are detected will be listed in the Differences panel. The SchLib documents for the two revisions are opened within the workspace by displaying them side by side in the design editor window. Clicking on a top-level folder for a detected difference will highlight that difference on both documents simultaneously.