软件的功能取决于您购买的Altium产品级别。您可以比较Altium Designer软件订阅的各个级别中包含的功能,以及通过Altium 365平台提供的应用程序所能实现的功能。
The following sections present shortcut keys that are specific to the Multi-board Schematic Editor. For general information regarding shortcut keys - including access and editing, general Altium environment shortcuts, and accelerator keys - see Altium Designer Shortcut Keys.
When looking at the shortcut key listings, keep in mind the following:
- When referring to shortcuts, use of the plus (+) symbol denotes holding multiple keys down on the keyboard in the indicated sequence. For example, Shift+F1 means holding down the Shift key then pressing the F1 key. Likewise, Shift+Ctrl+PgUp means holding down the Shift key then holding down the Ctrl key at the same time and pressing the PgUp key.
- Where use of the standard mouse buttons is made, Click refers to a single click of the left-hand mouse button, Double-Click refers to two clicks of the left-hand mouse button, and Right-Click refers to a single click of the right-hand mouse button.
Standard Shortcuts Copy Link Copied
The following shortcuts are standard to the Multi-board Schematic Editor. They are available in general and do not require you to be performing an interactive process to access them.
General Editing |
Double-Click | Modify the properties of the object currently under the cursor. |
Right-Click | Access context menu for the design space. If currently within an interactive command, will escape from the current operation. |
Ctrl+C | Copy selection. |
Ctrl+X | Cut selection. |
Ctrl+V | Paste selection. |
Delete | Delete selection. |
Ctrl+Z | Undo. |
Ctrl+Y | Redo. |
Selecting |
Click | Select the object currently under the cursor. |
Shift+Click | On an object to add it to the current selection (cumulative selection). |
Ctrl+A | Select all objects on the current document. |
Moving |
Click (on an object), Hold&Drag |
Move the single object currently under the cursor (or group of selected objects if the object is part of that selection). |
Spacebar | Rotates the currently selected module(s) counterclockwise. Rotation is in increments of 90°. |
Shift+Spacebar | Rotates the currently selected module(s) clockwise. Rotation is in increments of 90°. |
X | Mirror the currently selected module(s) along the X-axis. |
Y | Mirror the currently selected module(s) along the Y-axis. |
Viewing the Multi-board Schematic Sheet |
Ctrl+PgDn | Change the view in the main design window so that the document is made completely visible (where possible). |
PgUp | Zoom-in, relative to the current cursor location.
You can also use the mouse to zoom in to a region of the document by one of the following methods (where applicable and depending on how the buttons of your mouse might be assigned):
PgDn | Zoom-out, relative to the current cursor location.
You can use the mouse to zoom out from a region of the document by one of the following methods (where applicable and depending on how the buttons of your mouse might be assigned):
Mouse Wheel | Scroll vertically within the design space. This is a default setting that can be changed from the System - Mouse Wheel Configuration page of the Preferences dialog. |
Shift+Mouse Wheel | Scroll horizontally within the design space. This is a default setting that can be changed from the System - Mouse Wheel Configuration page of the Preferences dialog. |
Right-Click, Hold&Drag | Pan the view within the main design window. |
Miscellaneous |
Q | Toggle between the use of Imperial and Metric measurement units for the active Multi-board document |
Shift+E | Toggle the snapping functionality on or off. |
F11 | Toggle the display of the Properties panel. |
Interactive Shortcuts Copy Link Copied
The following shortcuts become available when an interactive process has been launched, such as placing a new design object, or moving an existing one. Note that the shortcuts available will depend on the interactive command and the specific design object that is the focus of that command.
PgUp | Zoom in. |
PgDn | Zoom out. |
Esc | Escape from the current process - either a stage of the currently running interactive command or the command itself. |
Backspace | Remove the last placed segment, while placing a region. |