Sch_Dlg-AlignPrimitivesAlign Objects (SCH) _AD
Created: 十月 10, 2017 | Updated: 十月 11, 2017
| Applies to versions: 18.0, 18.1, 19.0, 19.1, 20.0, 20.1 and 20.2
您正在阅读的是 18. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 Sch_Dlg-AlignPrimitives((Align Objects (SCH) ))_AD 阅读 21 版本
The Align Objects dialog
The Align Objects dialog provides controls for quickly aligning the set of currently selected objects as required.
With the objects to be aligned selected, the dialog can be accessed in the following ways:
- From the Schematic Editor - either use the Edit » Align » Align command from the main menus or right-click in the workspace and choose the Align » Align command from the context menu.
- From the Schematic Library Editor - use the Edit » Align » Align command from the main menus.
- Horizontal Alignment - choose from one of the following options to determine the horizontal alignment of the selected objects:
- No Change - leave the horizontal alignment of the objects unchanged.
- Left - align objects to the left edge of the left-most object.
- Center - align objects on an axis mid-way between the left-most and right-most objects in the selection.
- Right - align objects to the right edge of the right-most object.
- Distribute equally - horizontally space the selected objects evenly, using the left-most and right-most objects as the left and right boundaries respectively.
- Vertical Alignment - choose from one of the following options to determine the vertical alignment of the selected objects:
- No Change - leave the vertical alignment of the selected objects unchanged.
- Top - align objects to the top edge of the top-most object.
- Center - align objects on an axis mid-way between the top-most and bottom-most objects in the selection.
- Bottom - align objects to the bottom edge of the bottom-most object.
- Distribute equally - vertically space the selected objects evenly, using the top-most and bottom-most objects as the top and bottom boundaries respectively.
- Move primitives to grid - enable this option to restrict the alignment such that all primitives in the selection will lie on a valid grid point after the alignment is complete.