Importing a Design from LTspice into Altium Designer
软件的功能取决于您购买的Altium产品级别。您可以比较Altium Designer软件订阅的各个级别中包含的功能,以及通过Altium 365平台提供的应用程序所能实现的功能。
Simulation designs saved from LTspice® are able to be imported into Altium Designer with the LTSpice Import Wizard.
Invoke the wizard with the File » Import Wizard menu command, select LTSpice Design Files as the file type option, and then complete the subsequent wizard steps.
Select LTSpice Design Files in the Import Wizard to import LTspice files.
Component symbol files referenced by the LTspice design file (*.asc
) are automatically added as library files, and in turn, the simulation models referenced within the component library files are also added to the import.
The import process results in an Altium Designer PCB project that also includes a Schematic Library containing the design's components and a set of generated simulation models in the general *.mdl
format. LTspice Voltage Sources are imported as an equivalent Altium Designer Simulation Stimulus type.