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A Draftsman board fabrication view (Place » Board Fabrication View) is an automated graphic composite of the PCB project's unpopulated (bare) board, as viewed from the top or bottom. The drawing data is sourced from a specified physical board layer, and additional layers can be shown as required.

Two placed board fabrication views that show the top and bottom layers of the PCB
Two placed board fabrication views that show the top and bottom layers of the PCB

For even greater detail, consider creating a board detail view from your board fabrication view.

Drawing representation of a placed board fabrication view is configurable in the Properties panel when the view is selected in the design space. General view properties are configured on the General tab of the panel ().

Option Description


Use Custom Scale
Use these options to configure the view's scale. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Use these options to configure the view's title. For more information, refer to the Working with Views page.


Board Line

Use the drop-downs to select the line thickness and pattern used to render the view's border/outline. Available options are defined in the Line Styles region of the Properties panel when no object is selected in the design space. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page. Use the associated color button to specify the color of the border/outline lines.



The board layer that is used as a source for the board fabrication view. Use the drop-down menu to select from the range of layers available in the source board design.

The All (for document template) option can be used to create a document template that will include all fabrication-related layers. When a document template that features a board fabrication view with this option selected is used for a new Draftsman document, a separate page will be created for each PCB layer selected in the New Document dialog. For more information, refer to the Setting Up a Draftsman Document page.

View Side

The direction of view used to render the board drawing. Use the drop-down menu to specify the Top or Bottom view direction.

Rotation The angle of rotation used to render the view, as applied by the drop-down menu.
Drawing Mode How board conductors (tracks, arcs, pads, and vias) are rendered. Use the drop-down to select either Full (solid) or Simplified (as lines) drawing mode. ()
Polygon Fill Mode How polygons are rendered. Use the drop-down to set polygons to be drawn as Filled (solid), Hatched, or as simple Outline. ()
Override Color

Enable the checkbox to override the default color for the view's layer and use the associated color button to specify the override color.

Show Out of Board Copper Enable the checkbox to enable the display of any copper that has been placed beyond the board's boundary.

The panel's Layers tab provides a tabular listing of the all layers available in the source PCB. You can toggle their visibility and configure their colors in the selected view.

The visibility of the primary rendering layer, as defined by the Layer setting in the Properties region under the General tab, cannot be disabled.

Javascript ID: Draftsman_Pnl_Properties_BFV_LayersTab

The Layers tab of the Properties panel when a board fabrication view is selected. The view is set to render the Bottom layer, and no additional layer is currently visible.

The Top and Top Overlay layers are now enabled for the view.

The draw order of the layers is determined by their order in the list. Use the  and  buttons to specify a layer’s relative list/draw order. The topmost enabled layer in the list is rendered last, on top of the next enabled layer that is lower in the list, and so on – the list order represents the draw order.

If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

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