Get the Latest Electronics Design Technology
Access Altium Designer updates right when they’re released and continue to innovate with the best electronics design technology available. We continue to release maintenance updates, bug fixes, and enhancements every month for your electronics design tool.
Safely Store Your Design Assets in a Centralized Location
All of your design assets including schematics, PCB layouts, manufacturing files, and component libraries can be stored in a centralized location for easy access and design reuse. A complete project history, change notifications, and a ready-to-use version control system helps you keep track of every change that happens throughout your design process
See a Complete History of Every Change Made to Your Projects
Review every change that happens to your designs, including details like net and component modifications, with in-depth search capabilities for modified data. A dedicated history view provides a progressive timeline of major events relating to a PCB, Multi-board or Harness project – its creation, commits, releases, clones, and MCAD exchanges.
Share Secure, “Live” Projects With Anyone
Projects can be securely shared with your team, clients, manufacturers, and other stakeholders. Based on your share settings, people with access to your project can view, edit, or download files in Altium Designer. They can also view, measure, search, cross-probe, or add comments to an entire document or specific objects from any device with a browser.
Collaborate With Mechanical Engineers
Easily exchange designs between electronic and mechanical domains with integration between Altium Designer and SOLIDWORKS®, PTC Creo® Parametric™, Autodesk Inventor®, or Autodesk Fusion 360®. Design changes can be seamlessly pushed and pulled between ECAD and MCAD environments without requiring any manual conversion or file exchanges.
Access Real-time Supply Chain Data & Ready-to-Use Parts
Control the list of manufacturing parts associated with the components in your design and always have up-to-date information about their status and availability. Plus, access models, parameters, and basic lifecycle data for millions of electronic components from the Octopart Library right in Altium Designer.
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Explore the Altium Designer Pro Subscription if you are interested in:
- Product design capabilities
- Team management and performance optimization
- Lifecycle and component management