Created: августа 02, 2022 | Updated: августа 02, 2022
| Applies to version: 4
Parent page: PCB Query Functions - Membership Checks
Returns all pad objects that are members of the specified Pad Class.
InPadClass(ClassName : String) : Boolean/Boolean_String
Example Usage
InPadClass('Top Side Probe Pads')
InPadClass('Top Side Probe Pads') = True
InPadClass('Top Side Probe Pads') = 'True'
Returns all pad objects that are members of the Top Side Probe Pads
Pad Class.
Not InPadClass('Bottom Side Probe Pads')
InPadClass('Bottom Side Probe Pads') = False
InPadClass('Bottom Side Probe Pads') = 'False'
Returns all objects except pad objects that are members of the Bottom Side Probe Pads
Pad Class.
- The single quote characters (') at the start and end of the
string are mandatory.